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glenn norris

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Image Comments posted by glenn norris


    Donibane, this is fantastic! I really like that you have added some people into the composition this time - nothing against the more 'abstract' abstracts but it is nice to see and I hope you do more like it! Great work and have a good day - Glenn

    Last Blue

    Bade, this is absolutely tremendous work! I noticed you did not say how you achieved this effect - wink - better to not say I have learned... All I can say is, Great job! The composition is perfect! Glenn++++


    I just followed Ahmed's link from above to the photographer with the same style but to me it looks like the exact same work... I am a little confused.... some of the locations are the exact locations used in Rarindra's, no mistake. Glenn

    Shaving boodies.

    Hey Domen, I like the image alot. It looks very crisply designed - not sure I can wrap my mind around the concept in the image though... for I am but a simple peasant... not really but great image my friend - Glenn++++


    Are you talking to me Donibane? Funny my friend! What do I see? You already know... There is no future, and there is no past - just a beautiful dream that changes as we dream it. Take care - Glenn++++
  1. Thank you all, and thank you especially Jan for your support and encouragement - you are a great example of what each of us artists Should be doing for our fellow photographers at Photo.net (one great critique can go a long way toward erasing the numb feeling from one too many 3/3's on our work...) Sincerely, Glenn


    Excellent work, and I agree with your comment about what would happen if one of the masters was born today... reminds me of that 80's movie 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure 2' when they had to bring all of the famous people of the past through the time machine and to the present. Beethoven came to the eighties and started rocking out on a bunch of keyboards at the mall! I totally believe that we are meant to use this technology and should not be imprisoned by some crazy beliefs on photographic 'purity'!!! Although sometimes it is really nice to capture simple photos of simple things...
  2. Funny, getting into HDR a bit ay? To answer your question, actually what you are doing is just tonemapping the image. The first step is merging the originals (2 to 9 or more shots). The second step is to actually 'map' the tones of your merges. When you throw one shot into the tonemapper, most of the time the result is horrible - certain kinds of shots benefit from a little tone mapping, and usually only at very low settings. It is all so new it is just fun to experiment.
  3. I am not very good at downloaded others' images and posting them to here yet... If you look at the faux white column on the top/center/left and the posts at the bottom left, they are not quite vertical - this can be changed in edit/transform/distort by pulling the lower left corner to the left... making the lines completely vertical. The lower right can be pulled to the right a little also. It is usually most pleasing in architecturals to have the verticals vertical etc. because the camera lens usually distorts these. I hope it helps.


    Fantastic my friend! This is a very good concept - initially the space at the upper left bothered me, but as when I looked again and thought about your idea I decided that it is perfect, like the feeling of emptiness when we realise the game is done. I especially love the broken glass design at the bottom. Great stuff! Keep it up! Take care - Glenn


    By the way, I think I just found one of the sites 3/3 bandits, a man named Michael Watkins (there are more than one) but I wrote this after one of his comments: I just checked Mr. Watkins' portfolio and I have a strong feeling that he is one of these photographers who is 'better than the rest of us' and has been 3/3ing the place to death. I am not sure how someone can rate only 3000 photos and only upload 2 and feel himself qualified to rate A FULL THIRD of all photos as being below average and poor!!! This person should take a look at himself and ask about his motives. Thanks you Mr. Watkins. Maybe you should try coming out from behind this mask of anonymity and 'teach' us all how to be better photographers. Glenn ------- can you believe that crap?


    Domen, excellent concept - kind of funny that you have actually thought ahead about what you want to present... which is related to 'Originality' and still got three 3/3's. Well, I could complain all day but that would not do justice to all the great photography here... Your image has excellent control of shadow to direct the eye where it needs to be - all around, well-executed photography. Glenn
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