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Image Comments posted by sherle

    Waves of...


    Driving down the road playing with the objects that swished by at 70+

    mph. Camera came home a bit dirty, but a little cleaning solution

    solved that. Enjoy!

    Last Gasp

    I love this work, wow! I would like a tutorial, I have been working with PS for years as a graphic artist but I don't know what you did to create this.I would love to know how you did it, but I will respect your wishes if you want to keep it to yourself. .....Sherle

    Old time

    I love the old lamp, I just wish that there wasn't quite so much other stuff to drag the eye away from the lamp. If I could I would make a couple of suggestions, if you get your fingerprints on the glass it might look better to actually wipe the whole thing down, so fingerprints don't distract. I'm just practicing with lighting on reflective objects and would suggest that you try difussing the light and making the source larger so you don't have little opaque dots. Just my two cents worth. ....Sherle
  1. Hi Jacob,


    With the lighting this beautiful, it was a pleasure to search out the best spots to be. The only thing I would have wished for was to be later in the season when the vines are bigger and more full. Thank you for your lovely comments! .....Sherle



    New Life


    Thank you Doug for your enthusiastic response to this image, gave me a big smile! .....Sherle


    Thank you Jim, I love exploring the inner workings of flowers, so happy you enjoyed it. I can get about 1 to 2" away from the subject. .....Sherle

  2. I was hired to photograph the vineyard and I would be out there every

    day just before the sun came up to catch the early morning light from

    different viewpoints. This was one of my favorites. Enjoy!

    New Life


    Playing out in the garden with the sun and its effects and seeing how

    close I can actually get with my lens and still keep it in focus. Enjoy!

    Sweet 100

    Hi John, thank you for your thoughts and your suggestion. I had thought about cropping it and then figured that would put the tomato in the middle of the shot so I didn't. However, I am always open to suggestions, so I will give it a try. .....Sherle

    Moment in Time


    Hi Gordon,


    Thank you for your critique and appreciation of this image. It is by far my favorite of the entire day. As far as the B&G having seen this image, not sure, I have uploaded it but I haven't heard from them. I expect to see them this weekend though. .....Sherle

    Moment in Time


    I am not a wedding photographer, though I assist one, still I was

    still asked to photograph this wedding. How did I do with this image?

    I made the soft focus look in post processing. Enjoy!

    Sweet 100

    Thank you Deborah for your time and comments. I find my garden to be inspirational so I'm out there as often as I can with my camera. Have fun in your garden. .....Sherle

    Sweet 100


    A tiny tomato growing in my garden. The sun was creating a real

    hotspot so I used my hand to block the hottest part while trying to

    keep the glow on the edge. How did I do? Enjoy!


    I love the color of green, it is intensely wonderful. One of the most intriguing parts of this image is the white "ribbon" that is winding through the middle. Of the three you submitted today this one is my favorite. .....Sherle


    This is truly lovely, you manipulation of the emulsion is quite wonderful here and thoughtout your portfolio. I had a chance to try this once in a class I took at our local community college. I was very sad when I was told that the film wasn't being made anymore since it was so fun to do. I'm glad that you are still able to work with this medium you are very talented. .....Sherle



    Hi Gordon,


    I see them now, funny how one misses stuff no matter how long you look at it. It seems to culminate into a barn for me. Not sure if there was even a house or barn there when I took the shot, but I like the secret shape "behind" the blur. Thank you for opening my eyes. .....Sherle



    Hi Gordon,


    I feel like a small child in a candy store who has just been told that they get to pick out whatever candy they want and take it home, no charge when I am in the darkroom, whether it be a black and white or color lab. There's just something so wonderful and satisfying about coming away with an image you have worked so hard to create. I don't yet have my own darkroom, though it is something that I would like to set up, someday.


    When I print in the b&w lab I usually print on fiber paper and selenium tone, so its a long process, but I never get tired of it. Most of the images in my black and white folder were first created in the darkroom from a 4x5 negative.


    As to PN not really giving critiques on abstract images, I get that too. When I get tired of not having any comments I will upload a flower or a landscape just to get some feedback, lol!


    However my true love lies in creating abstract images in either the darkroom or in camera. I haven't yet fallen in love with creating them on the computer, but maybe that's more due to the fact that working on computers is my day job and I prefer not to be at it 24/7.


    Due to losing the color processor I will have to see if I can create some of my favorite type of stuff with a scanner and the computer, it won't be as fun though, since I will quickly learn what does what and the sense of wonder will be missing.


    I think you for commenting on this image. Your original post is helping me to come up with a name for this image. They are all untitled since I haven't spent enough time with them yet. .....Sherle



    Playing in my garden with the early morning light and macro. I was

    only intending to take a picture of the little hairs on the lily bud

    and was pleasantly surprised to find the tiny little guy. Actually

    he's kinda cute for such a destructive little thing, lol. Enjoy!



    Some of my experimentation in the traditional color lab, no Photoshop

    used to create it. This is only part of the whole since I can't scan

    in 16x20 and I haven't photographed it yet. Enjoy!

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