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Image Comments posted by zigzag

    Emily I

    A very eye catching image, great expression, looking just away from the lens enough to keep an interest. The light is well controlled though I find some of the modelling around the RHS eye to be a little bit harsh (deep pockets). The orange hair thing is distracting. Beautiful shadows and of course it keeps coming back to those blue eyes which stop you in your tracks.


    I like the way the light to dark moves you through from right to left and the fence posts and roof lines support this, keeping the eye within bounds, Composition is well chosen though a little more detail would be useful in the LHS tower and the small cropped white object at the extreme LHS is a distraction. I tried a view withour the sky at all (lower crop) and for me it helped to keep my eye within the image. I am a fan of your toning on some of the other photos I have seen, I am not sure the blue tone is the best one for this image.


    The colours and composition give a good 'time gone by' decay feel to it, though I'm wondering what else, 'departed' maybe. The floor and bench browns complement each other. Something is missing to make it stronger, maybe an old suitcase or abandoned present.


    This works well in B&W and you have observed an interesting subject. The figure leaving the photo does work for me and the three focal objects provide much interest. I can't get over that crazy tilt though which detracts/ adds to the unsettling feeling. The litter in the foreground just shouldn't be there.
  1. There is good balance in the colours - blue pastel shades, grey and suppressed colour in the wall. The lighting is excellently positioned to bring up both highlights and add mystery though for me just a tiny bit strong around the face and hands and could maybe have used just a small amount of reflection to bring a hint of the profile to the dark side of the face and a bit of definition/separation to the hair. Wall leads in well. The angle of the front leg and and curve of the arms works as does the elevation and the turn away. The right hand bracelet strangely distracts me.
  2. This is a great lead in line with interesting figures holding a point of interest. The sky is wonderful and holds the eye down in the scene where it needs to be. You need to keep a straight horizon as this one is distracting. The white building to the left is also a bit distracting and could be cropped away - you have chosen a good position and the road looks great with a good crop to the RHS. there's not much you can do about the building behind the figures but its roof is too bright so that the impact of the figures is lessened.
  3. beautiful detail in foreground and middleground. The bounding trees against the sky help to tone everything down and maintain the blue, wintery feel. The brownness of the water at the lower left hand and the black area there put me off looking at the LHS of the tree there - maybe I have lost some detail on my screen. You must have been freezing there. What a contrast to "Blue Hen Falls - summer"


    Great lead in line and highlight. The frontal space helps set it up and the hedges bound it. The sky also works well with the suppressed tones. The foreground detail is slightly distracting if you don't look past it. The effect of the lighthouse is to appear as a small focal point and not as a strong,resolute vertical - this may be your intention - it speaks of remoteness/isolation from the land. Could be good as a set where steadfastness against the sea is another image.

    Cap Roig

    Good control of detail and colour on the LHS which leads off to the sun. Conversely, this makes the RHS appear dull and less interesting which lessens the effect of the lead in lines. The funnel effect of the chosen position leads up to a dull area which then forces the eye off to the left where all the strong interest is. You've done well to keep the detail on the right but the suppressed colour weakens it for me. It's a wonderful vista and an interesting foreground, middle ground and background. Horizon is positioned in an interesting way. For me it's a picture of two halves (L,R), unbalanced on a great day at a great location.


    The composition implies movement which is good, the DOF separation is also good, without highlights and giving a clear delineation. On my monitor it looks as if you have some unwelcome blur around the orange highlights. The detractor for me is the darkness around the eye area which is where the eye should be drawn to. Other than that it's a 'straight shot' which could possibly be given added interest with some added body curl. Could also try a crop with more space in front than behind.


    The centred horizon and two competing (2.5) points of interest made my eyes zigzag around the photo - maybe the tree is too bright. A good base photo, photoshop comments noted. Maybe mving a few steps to the left would have given a clearer (diagonal) leading line through the picture.


    Great concept, great expressions, great makeup, uninteresting background kept in focus is not a good thing. RHS top corner crop is too close and cuts up truck. Excellent work by the makeup artist, rates good for the photographer.
  4. Excellent. Feathers look spotlit, maybe a little bit too sharp around the outline. The composition itself is superb, the wings draw you in to the eye so there's no doubt where to look, it's the tail that looks most artficial to me - maybe a bit of feathering before selective sharpening will soften those sharp boundaries. I have that lens (70-200 f4L), but never as good a shot.

    Kabini river.

    Great shot, though I agree with Neil and Alastair - it's been said. I especially find my eye wandering looking for a point of interest or something to lead me through and bound me within the photograph. The central plant line led me in and then the lightness leads me off to the right so I am looking at the RHS tree. The sky etc then becomes a separate photo. A diagonal leading downwards could resolve this. I suppose I am saying that the plantation lines are maybe not used to their best effect. The sky is a major feature (half the photo and central), I'm not sure it is that interesting.

    Satyrium spini

    Great shot, great DOF. I wonder if moving slightly to the RHS to flatten the wing plane would have allowed you to maintain the focus in the wing tips while still maintaining the shallow isolation that this f-stop gives, maybe not, you're at the limits. I did wonder if there was a little too much of the RHS but on second thoughts I think it balances well, the light bokeh is a bit distracting though.

    Two tail

    Brilliant DOF and dust screening, the suppressed colours and detail in the hides darw you in. Can't fault it (can you add a lion attacking from the RHS? (joke)).
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