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Image Comments posted by zigzag


    I think the negative space balances this shot out well. It holds a good story. The shot could be repeated with other, older, wartorn(?) hands. That hold a story within the story - the lighting does work well.
  1. People don't work for me in this one. This location has such superb lines and patterns that tell their own stories. Moving to avoid the middleground 'hole' may also be worthwhile, the light entering to brighten up the reds brings out the saturation.
  2. For me this is a photograph of two halves (top/bottom). The line and light leading into the green highlight holds the interest well, the eye is held by the brightness but then wants to move on up the river, which is duller. There's a happy break in the cloud that brightens the dull day.
  3. Baloon colours look good. You could try using photoshop curves to see how you like the colours of the mountains. (Layers->New Adjustment Layer->Curves), move the cursor over the mountains to see where the colour appears on the curve.



    Nicholes, do you have Photoshop? Time of day/weather pattern is always primary but you can get more detail in both foreground and sky by using a technique called "Digital Blending", which works similarly to having a Graduated Neutral Density filter (you take more than one exposure of the same scene). There are numerous tutorials on the web, here's one:



    and another:



    Great expression,eye contact, isolation and a face with character. Very well presented. Could remove some of those distracting hairs on the jacket.


    It's a nice cute shot of this otter and gawd knows these animals are so active, it's hard to get them to keep still. Agree on the left foot, the right foot is a little motion blurred. Nice dark background and the saturated reds make it stand out, maybe a little bit strong. Having the hint of a second otter distracts too. All of these points are nitpicks on what is a well lit image that highlights the face.
  4. The golden water and silhouette do work well. There are a couple of foreground distractions and the lines to the LHS top corner tend to lead the eye out - it's possible a mild vignette could help retain the eye. There are some black flotsam items which break the golden mood slightly. A well observed travel photo.


    You've caught the light well and the profile and expression bring out her personality. Although you've blurred the background the white newspaper and other white object is still a little distracting. Doesn't look 100% sharp. I can't see much retained detail on the top RHS on my monitor which could be a fault of my equipment.

    Tender Glamour

    Love the lines (diagonals), the framing, catchlights and overall lighting leading always to the eyes . The attention to detail is excellent - the hair adding interest to an otherwise unused space, the pink bodice suits the lighting - pink, feminine. It's a dreamy photo and I think that the softening of the skin supports the dream - I am not a big fan of excessive glamour blur but this works.


    The directional light in this one makes it, really accentuates the shadows and the expression makes it work VERY well in the portfolio named as you have. Good DOF as always and sharp focus on the hands shows off the leathery touch. No 'points for improvement' possible on this one - it's all good.
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