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Image Comments posted by zigzag

    My favorite sunset

    This is indeed a fantastic sunset for which you did well to be present. The foreground lit lines lead well into it. It is a pity for me that you weren't in a position to work the L/R boundaries more with interesting features to contrast with the sky - i.e. more foreground/middleground points of interest to add to/contrast the light show overhead.
  1. great lines, foreground, middleground and sky detail. The lighting along the path is well done also. The eye moves through and out at the horizon line - the rocks do well to hold it in.

    Ame 3

    The pose/hair adds a measure of mystery which is attractive. The PS posterisation doesn't work so well for me as it is a little strong and loses some of the sensual detail that a female close-up can bring. This may be a matter of (my) taste.

    nigth dreams

    The person does help to balance the statue, supported by the funnel effect of the light on the water and in the sky. The 50% horizon works with the mirroring, lost some detail at the brightest spot in the sky. The B&W reduces it to form which is a good effect for this photo for me. The staue also looks enigmatic stand-alone with the figure removed (cropped by hand).
  2. Roughly in thirds, the RHS lines lead nicely to the mountains and also, by luck or design the disturbance on the LHS fills in a uniform spot. Good mirroring calm day, the eye will escape from ther LHS of the picture but the snow line does help to bound the foreground. Colours look a little unsaturated, especially the grass - maybe due to the time of year and day.


    Nice timing and DOF detail though the eye could be a little bit sharper. Nice background though the line from the beak does tend to lead you out of the photo to the left. Good capture.

    Hoi An Man

    The saturated colours give it life. The shadows work well to give it mystery - a happy man in a trilby(?) A good cut away from Vietnamese bridges,markets and country, sort of LP style.


    Graphically interesting form and nicely controlled lighting. I find the eye of the LHS model draws my eye which distracts from the shapes, her hands also are not in balance with the other two as hers are 3D whereas the others are flat - this is maybe a good thing - adds interest. Altogether an eye catching image.


    This has me puzzled - I can't work out what it is or why it is called 1939 and I'm not cheating by going to your portfolio. Interesting, nice diagonal.


    Nice capture of the eyes and the hands in the air adds to the femininity. The thing on her shirt is seriously distracting chopped in half.


    Nice eye contact and story in the receding girls, though they look a smidgin posed in the arm positions. Like the diagonal road leading away, adds tension. Not so keen on the fence out of the head. Vignette holds in well and the tone adds to the mood.


    Love the misty effect that ages the photo. Interesting crop, well spotted. The top RHS is a bit bright which lets the eye escape. That flag and bell make very interesting bounds.
  3. A very interesting, close crop shot with good colour,DOF. I would have liked to see the top of the flower and the back of the head. The light's just a smidgin harsh and the white highlight in front of the head is a distracting - minor points.


    Point taken. If that was the effect you were trying to achieve then well done. There aren't many non PS'd photos these days, or shots with a small central subject :-)
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