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Image Comments posted by zigzag

  1. She has a thin face made thinner by the shadow and the pursed lips in the inverted triangle. You've highlighted the LHS of her hair but maybe because she is a stylist I would have expected the RHS hair to show as well. Glowing earlobes are a tiny distraction. I like the slope of the RHS shoulder and collar bone and the break in symmetry by the hair that adds to the femininity.
  2. A beaut in B&W. I like the way you've bounded the photo with the trees and the way the reflection makes an arrow, supported by the tree line and lakeside that sweeps you up into the mountain (retained by the vignette). The foreground centre rock is a tad distracting.


    it's an original pose that works well. I am unconvinced that you need all that space above and the hand (for me) should either be in or out. There is minor blue colourcast on the skin which you may want. It would be really hard to maintain the detail across the chest with the bright background. She is by necessity a little bit forward in the photo and you could see if it makes any difference having more white space in front.
  3. The contemplative line between eyes and coffee is supported in a triangle by the right hand arm. The jeans give personality whereas the highlights in the glasses are a bit strong and draw the eye away. A bit less DOF behind may have lessened some of the distracting horizontals and aided the sense of isolation. There is a nice space in front of the model which balances her lean in, the top RHS of the table is just a smidgin too bright. After all that it's a very nice photo of a pretty girl alone.


    The strength in this pose (for me) is the intimate,feminine glance from the model that draws you in. I find it very unsettling then that this bond is broken by the plane of focus where in one eye you can see clearly enough to see a contact lens while the other is a blur. For me this makes the RHS work and the LHS not like there is a vertical line down the photo. There is some purple/green fringing in the hair on the LHS. The lighting is excellent and the moment is well captured, the mouth supports the glance, the frizzed hair is alluring and the crop is intimate. The model is clearly at ease with the photographer.
  4. Intimate and isolated portrait of a girl and her cello. Nice triangle of hand and sweeping curve of the light between face and instrument, supported by the necklace. The red of the earring may be a smidgin distracting and the blur on top edge of the cello is confusing. The spaces between the fingers look strangely bright.


    Good pose, in reflective mood and well measured butterfly shadow, B&W suits mood. Interesting crop removes distraction, seemingly simple yet well controlled. Lovely black eyelids. It's all good.


    Well observed and timed, great location. The linear split into half and then eights makes it interesting also. My eye enters the picture at the centre where the bright spots are and then sweeps right and zig-zag to bottom left, the lines then hold me into the picture so that it's not easy to escape - that is a good thing. Definitely worth a critique.


    This pose works well and the eyes make it work though a tiny bit unbalanced. The horizontal cut of the hat and the crop really hold the eye in there and the darkness of the jacket do the same in redirecting you back to the face. Focus, not perfect, the blurred widget behind has a funny shape which is distracting and could be better darker, though the blurring does go a long way to minimising it. potential for many more shots of this girl.


    Nice patterning accentuated by the B&W. The bush behind the LHS zebra is distracting. DOF is great as is the timing of the moment. It's a small pity that the asses are more dominant due to their whiter colour than the LHSZ and the LHSZ seems to be suspended on two legs. This is nitpicking on a great shot.


    Nice DOF and the purple background areas work well. You have a magenta colour cast in the clown fish's stripes and the top background lacks features. Cropping to accentuate the fish and the colourful background could work better, maybe it's too central.


    You need to redo this. You've made a bad PS slip around their legs and tails which have disappeared. The blurring should look realistic (i.e. you have a plane of focus in which things are focussed). This one doesn't advertise your skills well.
  5. This holds more meaning for me than the bored one because of the eyes. In fact its all about the eyes and I would crop in even closer left and right, shouldn't chop off the fingers or the top of the head. The horizontal boring wood taking up a lot of the picture is a limitation, if this is a crop you could try some rotation to spice up the lines. Again, great detail and colour, but it's introduced a bit of a colour cast into the wood. Nose area focus may be a bit soft(?) but hand looks OK.


    I think (s)he likes you.

    I'am SOOO Bored!!

    Great colour, exposure, DOF and pose. Cropped a bit too close at the top but nice use of balance space on the RHS. Nice detail in the face. I'm not too keen on the post but you have worked well with what was there, same goes for background. The eyes do express boredom but the soul of it would be exposed if (s)he was looking into the camera.
  6. First, good lead in lines, nice diagonals, tilt. Well done on capturing the bird and for playing with the composition. What are you trying to say with this photo? You have 4 main subjects/points of focus. The boat is too near the crop and is in danger of falling out of the picture. The persons are randomly spaced and compete for attention. The top RHS is messy but bright, the bird is interesting but competes with the others for the eye. Nicely observed but confusing.


    This is a good photo but not your best work (I just looked). I realise you are constrained by your subject and viewpoint but the colours/walls are a little flat (long lens contributes) and the bright areas and cliff line don't work together to isolate the subject as best they could. That means it doesn't escape the good to average category for me. Yes, there is tension in the precariousness of the climber, and action in his arm positions that the vertical accentuates, a more dramatic morning light could change things.

    Summer IV

    The toning, the waterline and the placement of the figure all work well. I dislike those footprints which cross the foreground and serve no purpose other than to lead the eye out of the photo. Similarly the two lumpy objects in a rough line towards the figure. Having now viewed a few of your other photos, this one does not seem as well controlled as those. The stormy looking sky, clouds and bounding ridge do work well though.

    Silver Beauty

    A nice head on shot. I assume its the wide angle that makes the headlights point outwards though this does add a nice effect to the body. Cropping the roof is not the best. The sloping horizon is a smidgin distracting. The sepia tone on this one is great because it reduces the car to its form and gives it an aged look. Nice car.

    The Face IV

    This is great, again it's all about the eyes and the post processing and direct gaze leave you in no doubt about that. I do find the grey hair merges with a background a tad, giving a miniscule halo effect. It's the almost, but not quite, symmetry in the face, lighting and shadows that keeps my eye roaming around the photo - deserving of a return stare.
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