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Everything posted by dave_thomas8

  1. (Had to take this one -- "Glutton Free" kettle corn) 2017 Roanoke, VA iPhone 6s
  2. Trail to East Quoddy Light Campobello Island
  3. For the 21st -- the Kitchen Tree Argus C-3 with FP4+
  4. I'd expect a considerably higher rate of battery discharge. That might occasionally matter.
  5. "Guess we'll eat indoors today . . . " (iPhone 13 Pro)
  6. Palmyra, New Jersey, USA Circa 1963 with a Burke & James 4x5 on Kodak Royal-X Pan!
  7. Riding the Cumbres & Toltec
  8. dave_thomas8


    Rhine Cruise Breakfast Angel
  9. I like it, it's a very strong and uncluttered image. It's neat the way the gent in back is framed by the elbow, jacket, and fender in the foreground. In my lurid past I would have probably backed up to "get the whole thing in," but now older (and wiser? 🙃) I have found sometimes zeroing in on a smaller element of a scene floats my boat. I have a shot of a steel railroad trestle that is/was 200+ feet high and 800 feet long that shows about two feet of a vertical section of one trusswork leg of a supporting tower with a cast(?) date plate on it. It got an award in a local show and a talented painter I know looked at and said some nice things, adding that he and many others would probably have walked right past it without even noticing. In historic structures there's often a fancy brass doorknob or wrought iron metalwork in a window that provides a different take. Keep at it!
  10. iPhone 13 Pro -- 48" Rolling Mill Pinions
  11. iPhone 13 Pro -- Brussels Sprouts on Stalks -- can't recall ever seeing them sold this way!
  12. From Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Indianapolis
  13. A great truth! Many years ago (1965) I got up at some ungodly hour and 25º F cold to photograph a comet on the eastern horizon. Drove to a small grass field airport where it was very open to the horizon -- only to discover a NJ Turnpike rest stop was in the general line of sight. Drove another half dozen miles to I'm not even sure where to be able to get a decent shot. I have seen aurora from northern Pennsylvania toward the western end of the state where I was camping in a near wilderness area with minimal light pollution.

    (See if this here messaging stuff works ...)

    There's more -- the DL&W pioneered reinforced concrete structures in the 191Xs.

    The stats on that are mind boggling. as in 500 tons of rebar, etc.

    Near Tunkhannock is another somewhat smaller, on the same line, Martins Creek Viaduct.

    And near Delaware Water Gap is yet another.

    And then there's Starucca Viaduct, in Lanesboro up in the northern Poconos, built of stone in the 1840s and still carrying freight! I know there's pictures around here somewhere but apparently they're in the 'scan for PBase queue' and I've yet to put up 3/4 of what I took on a Rhine cruise in 2019 (nor finished posting the shots from a cross country road trip in 1016!

    1. Ricochetrider


      Nice, Dave! Thanks for all that. Hope to circle the state a couple times this summer (by motorcycle) so will look some of this stuff up when in the route planning phases. 

    2. dave_thomas8


      And also in 2020 pre Covid vax, My Faire Spouse and I met my old college room mate and his wife (who live in Indiana, PA) out near you and saw a bit of the Rockville bridge, picnicking at Fort Hunter Park (that's where my recently posted covered bridge shot came from).

      Should you have another exhibition up out there that's accessible to the public, message me. In spite of being old and increasingly decrepit I still manage to get out and about -- so far! 🤪

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