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Image Comments posted by dusty2004


    Hello Nicola. It seems that you are trying to convey a sense of movement in this shot. Creativity should always be encouraged and admired. I do feel though that it would have been more flattering for the bride to have her face sharp in this instance.There are several ways to convey movement without blurring the face. Panning is one way, the use of rear flash is another. Cheers.


    Hello Nicola. The afternoon light in this shot certainly adds a glow to this image. However, the large expanse of white sky dominates the shot to the extent that it takes our eyes away from the couple. Probably not your intention. Try cropping to just a fraction above the brick wall and see if you like it any better. Cheers.



    If only the walls could talk. Then we would learn about the horrors

    from the past and not so long ago. This is Port Arthur. Where a few

    years ago 35 innocent people were gunned down.

  1. Hello Shannon. This reminds me of my first sunset, it was in black and white though. Yes, it is truly a moving experience. Sadly however, when we get our photo back the image that we took rarely captures what we FELT at the time. This is not a critisism but more an observation. In reality we are dealing with several dimensions. A photo is devoid of these and is simply two dimensional. It is the photographers task through skill and experience to recreate what he or she felt on a flat piece of paper. No small task. For an image to be successful a number of elements are required. A leading line, a point of interest, depth created by several planes. Eg. foreground, middle and background. Good composition to name a few. I understand that any sunset is impressive but does not per se produce an excellent image. Study some landscapes that you like and ask yourself why do I like them. This way you will learn more about compositon and the elements required to produce good works. There are many excellent books available on this subject. Cheers.
  2. Hello Taha, how sneaky and nobody noticed. The image is upside down. Anway, this can be improved by deleting the lefthand side just short of the tree in the middle, about a third in. That area is a little messy. Cheers.
  3. Hello Taha, I have to say that I like the image. Simply for the colours. But you don't fool me. The image is upside down. You see I was taught what to look for apart from the obvious, the riples. My art teacher taught me that the reflection is always a shade darker. No, I have not had anything to drink apart from a coffee. Shame about the car though. Cheers.

    Friendship - 2

    A beautiful shot, yet there is a certain sadness. It seems that those who have so little in this world have already got what the wealthy try to buy. Friendship and love. If only we could learn to share our riches. Cheers.



    Funny is it not. Today we have time saving gadgets in out kitchens

    and we STILL don't have time to talk to our neighbour. What have we

    done with the time we saved.?

  4. To satisfy your curiosity Jeff ( you do know what killed the cat ). It is to draw the eyes to the patterns of woven material and to highlight the different intensity of light on the various sections of the chairs. Or to put it simply because I CAN. Man often asks WHY, I say WHY NOT !!!. It's wonderful being me.

    May you all have a wonderful day too, cheers.

    "A Happy Bride"

    Hi Jimmy, the idea is to share our knowledge. So that you and others may learn from our mistakes. In time there will come the day when you will be able to pass on your knowledge. And so the cyle continues. There is great joy in parting with knowledge. Cheers Jimmy and may you continue to enjoy your hobby.

    Cutty Sark


    Hello Pawell, Yes indeed are they not impressive and a photographers dream to photograph. From a compositional view it is a little static. Let me explain. You have placed the bow more or less in the centre. This divides your image into two. Although your point of interest is the bow there is insufficient detail or interest to hold the viewer for any lenght of time. Thus the eye begins to wander to a more interesting subject. The mast in the background.

    When photographing these magnificent ships we must try to convey their splendour and their soaring masts. When we look we must feel that we are actually standing on the ship and feel what we see. I don't think you have captured what you felt. Maybe I am wrong. There are so many opportunities for photos on these ships. Have you exploited all your options. Did you ask if you could go on board. Ask and you will often be obliged. Cheers.

  5. Jimmy, now i know!!! It is sand. My eyesight is not as good as it used to be. Something about getting older, with grace I hope. Sorry Mate. Anway the advice still stands in good steed. Cheers.
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