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Image Comments posted by dusty2004

  1. Hello Adan, What attracted me to this shot was the complexity of the structure and the interplay of light and darkness. Good use of line and a well balanced composition. You understand effective use of line and form. Cheers.
  2. Hello David. Be wary of your background. In this case we have some distracting elements on the left hand side. Avoid harsh sunlight for this kind of work. The face itself is ok, but there are many hot spots. Overexposed areas. You have used depth of field to isolate the background so it appears you have some understanding of what is required. I would still recommend a longer focal length to get better results. Cheers.



    A visual delight. Excellent composition and good use of leading line. As far as it being a little soft, I disagree. Moss is soft and because there is a great deal present in the shot it gives the appearance as being soft. As it should.

    Great shot,cheers

    Climping, Sussex

    Hello Shaun. This is indeed a beautiful sunset. it's a little flat. Let me explain.The picture lacks depth, you have ony two planes. The foreground and the background. There is no point of interest that holds the eye. A different angle may have given you a better result in this case. Almost there, Cheers.


    Hello Jeff, what I really hope for is that the whole world is as peaceful and loving as the true Balinese people. They are a wonderful kind and caring people despite the hardships they endure. They have little in material things, spiritually they have much more than our western culture. Thank you and God Bless.
  3. Hello Jose, the colours are stunning. However, the picture itself has no focal point. Something the eye is attracted too. There is no leading line that draws the eye into the picture and lacks depth. It appears flat. For a picture to be successful we need certain elements, a foreground, middle and background. This creates an illusion of depth. The best way for you to learn is to look at a great shot and work out WHAT makes it so. Then you will understand more about what makes a good shot. Time and experience will help. Cheers.
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