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Image Comments posted by dusty2004

  1. Hello Ellis, nicely composed abstract, nice to know I am not the only one that hangs around for the right picture to appear. This is the kind of image that we rarely see or take the time to look at when we are near water. It,s true, it really is the simple things in life that are beautiful. This is one of them. Cheers.

    Red Barn

    Hello Linda, Your name has cropped up a few time in my portfolio, time I paid you a visit. Well, what can I say. You have a very stunning landscape portfolio, this being my favourite. The colours are brilliant as is the composition. And I just happen to have a liking for old farms and barns. Cheers.

    Red Wheels

    Hello Keyser, a beautiful shot. Simple, but that is what makes it so unique. Composition is excellent and I like the that we have only two colours and the subject itself. Cheers.


    I want to learn you say. This is so important. Those that WANT to learn are open to learning. This can only lead to great things. It all begins with a single image. This no doubt will then be the beginning of somehting great. Cheers and welcome.
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