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Image Comments posted by laurent_jaussi

  1. the corresponding colors right and left seem to respond to each other and balance the image....there is a mix of complexity and order that is really interesting....like this movement from right to left that is continued outside while it is bent to the right inside...
  2. thanks Jack...light shapes our life in ways we sometimes not fully understand and probably never will (at least for me)...for instance here in Switzerland we are never far away from a moutain where the sun invitably will hide late afternoon...we get the last rays of sun in an angle that is much steeper than for instance in plane regions or near the sea...I often go to Spain where the light is so much different than here in Geneva...as for the openess I think it has also something to do with the moderate wide angle I use most of the time... I shoot more than 90% of my image with a 17mm to 24mm focal length (on a APS-C camera) which always give space around...
  3. This is all about documentary photography I like...record life (even problems) in a respectful way, capturing or letting people express what they feel, create a respect and interest from the viewer...I like when the photographer (unintrusively) is underneath the human...
  4. you did not understand what I said...I am not shocked by this image, but I would have found normal to be shocked because the subject is a serious one...


    Basically....it's a kid's ass with a few flies...technically it's good...congratulations...


    I have quite some books of photojournalist and have seen horrible image...this one is not horrible, it's an impersonal kid's ass image taken from far away it's nothing else than that...I have never seen an image like that from good and respected photojournalist maybe with some reasons (i. e. a minimum of respect and story telling intentions)...an impersonal kid's ass from any country does not make a photojournalist image...


    ...now it's your image, your editing and you do what you want...


    Don't get me wrong I am just commenting this particular image and the editing...I know Birte has some good image in her portofolio...


    To answer your question Birte I do not know what you did after taking the shot...I am just commenting your image because you asked for critique in the critique forum, nothing more...

    news blues

    it must be me but I see it like the former image (cart) I commented...3 main group blue performer assisted with the 3 chorists in BG...for me that's the visual rythm that leads to the music analogy... and the music is really nice Linda..
  5. As a photo and technically I think I can admit it is good...as a document it is showing crude reality and I think we have to face it and if it helps bring people to realise we have to help each other in this planet so why not...


    What I don't like at all is this impression that I am watching a wild life animal image taken with a telephoto...for me this photo lacks respect to the subject in that it's a hard one taken from too far and with too little involvement...as a viewer I am tempted to treat it (and the subject) with disrespect and this is the main problem of this image...it would be much more powerful if it would bring the viewer to react and try to understand with humanity rather than turn the page...in that sense I think it is not a good one...I have nothing against crude images if they convey a minimum of respect and storry telling intentions...as a single image it simply does not work, even worse than not working for me...

    No-Mail Box


    I am revisting a bit Laurent, did no see Harry's comment the first round...I understand that people may not get the indirect idea about such images, nobody 's forced to like color and textures after all...and everybody is not necessarily aware of the ongoing restructuring of public service (like Postal service) in Europe (and particularly France) that have raised huge political battle...just to explain my initial thoughts on this image...


    Harry's Grand mother should be a nice photographer to understand all those issues and gets such nice shots that sum it up without shouting in a superbly aesthetic manner...

  6. the red jacket get the attention....a very quiet image Laurent....a bit less striking than the other two (I and II) I just commented...but this is also the subject and distance that create this feeling...we are here more distant as a viewer and the scene is more general wit less punch I would say...but as you know I also enjoy very much scenes with a soft charm that make their way more slowly into the mind of the viewer...


    It's a pleasure to see you posting...I hope 2010 will provide nice photo opportunities...

  7. the red in the hairs, the expression and her black dress disapearing in the BG...a striking performance image Laurent...you convey the artist's dedication and concentration with this image...


    Really superb Koushik....what can I say, I enjoy it....thanks for sharing this beauty....amazing how nature has found a way to create this kind of complex engineering...solid yet flexible, energy efficient....as human we can continue to learn for centuries to match this kind of marvel...


    I am a bit starving on this one Koushik...I like the colors and texture (in fact I feel hungry seeing it)....but the compo finds me doubting...I guess the large white space feels too artificial in this image for my personal taste....


    So nice to see the complex and delicate pattern on the wings....I like how the little bit of yellow whispers softly among the whites and blacks...Scott's comments sums it up, good images are good images, with any tools....



    Pnina...as you know I really enjoy images documenting local projects with simple people being what they are and doing what they can to help, especially when it comes to child and education...what a colorful map they produced here....I see that the project connect all continents...



    It's a very nice and symbolic image for Xmas and new year wishes...I really like the exchange of views and images and I look forward to continue (even if time is sometimes scarce)....I wish a superb 2010 on a personal level, and full of photographic surprise and enjoyments...

  8. We are watching some of your images from the past month with my 9 years old daughter...laughing and enjoying them does not depend on age as we are having a superb moment...the guy's expression a bit interrogative, a bit amused, a bit bored is so nice...


    well coca-cola spread everywhere....this image somehow convey the message by the size of this add....Enjoy !...it may soon sounds like an order from the giant corporations to us poor schmucks...I hope not...


    the play of light and shadow make it like a puzzle...I like the fact that your compo and crop makes it difficult to see from where the light was coming, making it even more a mind game to enjoy...
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