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Posts posted by j_rgen_loob

  1. Joshua , Larry


    I have recieved my APO-SIRONAR-DIGITAL on a 15mm recessd board today . I am happy

    as it took about 11 weeks to get the lens to my place .

    Having the back frame put on the rail the other way round makes the SWA bellow move

    very fine for shifts .

    With this setup , I can shift more than my CFV back sensor sizes requires , but the

    rotaslide adapter , the finest slider I have seen ( and had in my hands ) can not be used .

    I had a phonecall with Martin Vogt from ARCA SWISS on friday and he stated , that they are

    working on a solution for the " WA lens slide problem" . I will keep you informed .

  2. Kaj


    Any 150mm LF lens is a good starter . Its like a 80mm for MF .

    If you are doing B/W , I would recommend the ILFORD DELTA 100 and the FUJI ACROS 100 .

    Both are available as sheetfilm in your size and are easily processed in drums , tanks or trash

    , whatever you prefer .

    I prefer tank , because the developing times are the same for MF and LF . No new learning .

  3. Marc


    Which 28mm digital lens are you going to use ? ? ?

    Is it the SCHNEIDER DIGITAR F2,8/28L or is it the APO-SIRONAR-DIGITAL HR F4,5/28 ?

    Both are available also with electronic shutters and both are rather expensive .

    If you have a good dealer , he will assist you with the lensboard , which for both lenses

    should probably be recessed

    My APO-SIRONAR-DIGITAL F4,5/35mm is on the way to ARCA-SWISS (finally , after 8

    weeks waiting for that moment) , and they will mount the lens on a 15mm recessed

    lensboard for my ARCA 6x9 . AOV is 110 degrees .

    I will then compare this lens with my 905SWCBiogon . AOV is 90 degrees .


    Have a nice weekend .


  4. Marc


    "But a 48x48 (49x49) sensor back is within the reach of the near future"


    Of course I do not know that such a sensor back comes onto the market , how could I . ?

    I think , I should better say , I am convinced , I do blieve . That sounds better .

    2 good reasons .

    True wide angle photography . Think of the picture of that super wide angle camera you

    posted some time ago .

    Technical development never stands still . Improvements , as you pointed out as well as

    sensor size .



  5. Q.G.


    The above mentioned testing revealed an issue with my SONNAR F2,8/150 lens .

    The aperture does not open properly , or only very slowly to fully open after exposure .

    I think this is an issue which can only be solved at CARL ZEISS .

    I have this lens for my 2000FC/M as an exhibition model , but I hate , when my gear does not

    work properly .

  6. Marc


    The origin of that information is easy to tell .

    First , representatives of Rollei . I agree , they might have a strong interest to spread a

    rumor , because the HY6 is open to attach a 6x6 film back , although this will only be

    available later in the year , if at all . But a 48x48 (49x49) sensor back is within the reach of

    the near future .

    Second is PhaseOne . Their backs , with the appropriate adapters , will attach to almost

    any camera , including viewcameras , espcially for studiowork .

    All view cameras I know , are open for bigger sensor backs . And the demand is there .


    I have heard many pros asking for a bigger sensor , especially for better wide angle

    shooting .

    So for me , it is only a question of time , but I do believe that biggers sensors will come .


    Now the big disadvantage . To double the size of a sensor , increases the cost for the

    sensor by the factor of 4 .

    Tremendous costs for pros and studios are coming up .


    But I see a trend , that many pros and studios dont want to own the gear any more , they

    are going to lease or hire the required gear .

    PCP (photo competence partner) is a group of the 6 biggest dealers in Germany , and

    about 45% of their buisness is already leasing and renting buisness . This includes

    cameras , lenses , digital backs and also complete flash systems , delivering the gear and

    also picking it up again .

  7. Ellis


    I am using the V-SYSTEM cameras for film and with CFV back . It is just a great system .

    And I also have a nice collection of them , some more than 50 years old , in very good

    condition and fully working .

    I have an english version of the HY6 catalogue . If you want , I can send it to you .

    Regards Jurgen

  8. Ellis


    If that digital back will come on the market , it will not fit any HASSELBLAD H-SYSTEM camera

    , therefore HASSELBLAD will shurely not be the maker of that back , and I assume that back

    will be open to any camera which could adapt it , with or without adapter .

  9. Herve


    I had the chance to take a couple of shots with that camea . Its a great design .

    Its designed to work with LEAF BACKS and therefore will have promotion prices , when you go

    for that .

    These backs will all have 37x49mm sensors .

    But I was told (serious sources) there is a 48x48 sensor in the pipe and should be available in

    springtime 2008 .

    That will make the HY6 the leading camera in digital and film usage of MF .

  10. Herve


    You did not say , which camera you want to use .

    If you are working with HASSELBLAD , then there is the CFV back , which attaches to most

    HASSELBLAD V-SYSTEM cameras and also to most view cameras , if you have the correct

    adapter .

    Phase One and Leaf also have square sensor backs . Look out for the 16MB/17MB backs .

    I myself use the HASSELBLAD CFV back , which is absolutely great .

  11. Herve


    The current available square sensor backs all have 37x37mm , no matter which brand .

    I had the chance to use the HY6 and I must say it is a very good design . If the quality is what

    the prototypes promise , this camera will be great .

    It will be able to use 120/220 film and any digital back , currently available .

    But , there is a 48x48 (49x49) mm sensor in the pipe and the HY6 would definately benefit

    from this fact.


  12. John


    I used the 180mm lens some years ago and found it absolutely superb for portraits .

    It shows a wonderful "softness" , although not unsharp .

    I can compare this to the HASSELBLAD CF 180mm lens , which is outstanding but somewhat

    too sharp for portraits .

  13. Larry


    ARCA SWISS is a very small but also very fine company . They have about 16 people in

    their house and some subcontractors are working for them .

    The leather bellows for example are made by a little craftsmanship shop , purely

    handmade .

    That all takes time , and you are not the only one waiting for the desired item .

    Please don't understand this as an excuse , but its just like many companies behave today


    They don't produce on stock but on demand .


    RODENSTOCK . I have ordered an APO-SIRONAR DIGITAL 35mm about 8 weeks ago .

    They just can't deliver .

    ARCASWISS . I have ordered a geared head CUBE C1 . 4 weeks delivery time .


    So I just sit here waiting for the gear I would like to use .

    There is no trouble with the APO-GRANDAGON 45mm in use with my ARCASWISS 6x9 F-

    LINE METRIC . Also , there would not be an issue with the ROTASLIDE adapter .


    But the 35mm lens , I am waiting for , is some millimeters longer and therefore needs

    even a more recessed lens board .

    The sliding adapter is at least 10mm . So the barrel of the lens resides well in the back

    frame . You then can do shifts in the limits for the 37x49 sensor , but not any further .

    If you now use a sliding adapter , sliding would almost touch the lens back and also the

    sensor .

    If I finally have my 35mm lens , I will be able to tell you more .

  14. Joshua


    There are 3 WA leather bellows available now . The longest has 6 folds , the shorter one

    has 4 folds and a very new one has just one fold . I have ordered that newest one 2 days

    ago .

    Also you would need the 15mm recessed lens board .

    What type of back are you going to use ? ? ?


    If you are using a digital back , you can just mount your back standard 180 degrees turned

    around . Then the buttons are on the other side , but thats no problem at all .

    But then there is more space between the front and back standard , and you can move

    them closer to focus for infinity and also still do shift operation . You won't need tilt for a

    38mm lens on infinity .

    If you are using the 6x9 film back , you can , when the back standard is turned around ,

    only attach the film back in portrait position .

    What do you mean by bag bellow ? Is that the one fold bellow ? ? ?


    Also , you can not use the ROTASLIDE adapter , when using APO-SIRONAR DIGITAL 35mm

    or even 28mm .(or SCHNEIDER ) You could use the ROTASLIDE adapter with the MONOLYT

    6x9 camera .

    There , the front and back standards are different to the F-LINE camera .


    The ROTASLIDE adapter on your camera can be used with lenses down to 45mm or longer


  15. Mihai


    Obviously the direct way to the pdf is not possible .

    So try :



    Then choose english (left top corner) , choose photo optics , rodenstock digital and do

    downloads for APO-SIRONAR-DIGITAL .


    If you do not get the result , give me your E-MAIL address and i will send you the pdf .

  16. Mihai


    The image circle of the APO-SIRONAR-DIGITAL 150 is 150mm . This is valid when using the

    scale 1:infinity and aperture 8-11 .

    When you use a bigger scale , like 1:5 for example , same aperture , then the image circle

    grows . I can't tell how much , but shurely only in a decent range . I have been to the LINOS

    WEBPAGE but could not find a hint in figures .


    Regards Jurgen

  17. Peter


    I join you here . I assume , that you want to take the cloudscapes in B/W as Ansel Adams

    did .

    I have done some tests last year and found the best time during the year for that is May .

    I am using FUJI ACROS 100 and was measuring the exposure using the Zone System ,

    taking care , that I still have image information even in the whitest parts of the clouds .

    Using a spot meter , i put the darkest parts of blue sky to zone 4 (but also 3) . I use a

    dark red filter (25) . Looking forward to hear more from other cloud fans .


    I was

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