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Posts posted by j_rgen_loob

  1. Phil


    Two weeks ago , I replaced the battery of my 203FE , and it was an alkaline .

    It worked for more than a year . Now I have an PX28L installed . (This is

    recommended , as per user manual page 6)

    What I always do , I mark the date if installation on the battery .

    An alkaline battery might not live as long as a lithium battery but does not cause any

    malfunction . Check for battery leakage regulary and you are on the safe side .



  2. Simon


    Is there any news at the FUJIFILM RF6x7 front ? ? ?

    I would very much like to get that new "Folder camera" . In the meanttime , till we know if

    this prototype will be built or not , I will use this beauty . It is a FRANKA SOLIDA II and has a

    ZEISS IKON rangefinder attached . Also please note , the SCHNEIDER XENAR 2,8/80 already

    has EV coupling .

  3. Ethan


    The maximum recommended format for the APO-SIRONAR DIGITAL 4,5/35mm is 46x56 mm . That would cover just a 4,5x6 format without any shift possibility . Therefore I did not use this lens for film yet , but I believe the resolution of this lens is no problem . It is designed for digital backs with a pixel size of 9-11 micron .

  4. Ethan


    I forgot to mention , that for any 35mm lens , you need a recessed lens board .


    For ARCASWISS and the APO-SIRONAR DIGITAL 4,5/35 mm it is the 15mm recessed lens boerd .

    The type of recessed board varies with the type of lens and brand .



  5. Ethan


    The metric version of the ARCA SWISS 6x9 is much more expensive .

    The metric feature is nice to have and it is just for the ease of use .

    The ORBIX is a feature , which you will only need for very special tilt operations . I use it very seldom .


    When you flip the rear frame , there is no trouble mounting the ground glas . Mounting is the same as before .


    The following is valid for the RODENSTOCK APO-SIRONAR DIGITAL 4,5/35mm

    (not the HR version) when using a digital back with as sensor size of 37x37mm .

    The total shift , either way , is 31 mm . Using this lens on the ARCASWISS 6x9 , you can shift a total of 30 mm , but I calculate 29 mm

    for a interference free movement .

    If your digiback has a sensor of 37x49 , you can only shift 29/25 at a maximum . This has got nothing to do with the camera , but only with the lens and the sensor size .



  6. Ethan


    I am using an ARCA SWISS 6x9 metric with orbix (manual) , a HASSELBLAD CFV digital back


    adapter .

    Lets put the slide adapter away for the moment (special care has to be taken) .

    Always regarding the ARCA 6x9 , you need the super wide angle bellow , which has just

    one "fold" . Without that bellow , your shift (tilt is not that important for wide angle)

    operation is getting almost impossible . The other point is , you will have to turn the back

    frame by 180 degrees and put back on the rail . That means , your adjustment buttons

    for the backframe will then be on the left side , viewed from the back of the camera . No

    problem at all .

    The design of the of the ARCA backframe does not allow the full shift with the 35mm

    digital lens , because the rear of the lens barrel is wider and longer as for the APO-

    GRANDAGON 4,5/45mm , which I also have . (No restrictions for that lens at all) .I can not

    say anything about the APO-GRANDAGON 4,5/35,mm lens , but that lens is about 3mm

    shorter than his digital "brother" .

    The little loss of shift amount is no trouble for me , as the CFV back sensor is 37x37mm

    only .

    I can not speek for SCHNEIDER digital lenses , as I only use RODENSTOCK lenses .


    I love my ARCA 6x9 and the equipment I have for it . Working with that camera is a delight



    If you have further questions , come back and I will answer them all as good as my

    equipment and experience goes .



  7. ALEX


    If you are shooting B/W only , then you should think about developing your films yourself .

    That is rather simple and the equipment you need is not expensive .

    For color films find a good professional lab , because color development is rather

    complicated to do it yourself .

  8. Alex


    First of all , the BIOGON for the ALPA is not available any more . This is a deadlock.

    I have all gear of your first choice , and am dreaming of an ALPA . Much better than my

    905SWC . But can't aford . In the moment .

    But , you should be aware of the fact , that the ALPA is an absolutely high end thingi , but

    not that versatile as any other MF gear . If you can afford an ALPA , go for it . It is the high

    end , and the only high end MF gear available on the market .

    Good luck .


    Regards Jüregn

  9. Jeremy


    The answer to your questions is simply NO .

    The 500EL/M is a motor driven camera . If you want a "handdriven" HASSELBLAD , you should

    go for a 500C/M , 501CM , 503CX , 503CW or any of the 2000/200 series with focal plane

    shutters .

    Some of these cameras can attach an additional electric winder.


  10. Chris


    You could have a look to the ARCA-SWISS MISURA .

    As ARCA-SWISS (unfortunately) has no own home page , surf the net for ARCA SWISS ,

    ARCA-SWISS and MISURA . You will be surprised about the MISURA , which is a 4x5 field

    camera and is now also available as 8x10 .

    Good luck .



  11. Andrey


    The number you find on the backside of your lens is most likely the serial number of the

    shutter . The early C-Lenses all had the shutter serial engraved .

    I have a C PLANAR 2,8/80 which was produced in 1956 , (Nr.1594923) . The 500C was not

    even on the market in 1956 . My C-PLANAR 2,8/80 has the number 2955871 engraved on

    the back .


  12. Dana


    I do not experience the issue you describe with my RF645 .

    The friction is all the same from the beginning to the end of the roll . It is a low resistance

    friction , but as we have no measurement figures , I can not really explain "low resistance" .

    Also my right thumb might be stronger than yours , as I am a strict righthander .


    J�rgen .

  13. Bob


    >> Models can be conveted , if necessary , to also have it <<


    That is exactly what will happen to the ARCASWISS 6x9 I have .


    There is nothing what the ARCASWISS 6x9 F-line metric+ ORBIX can't , but the LINHOF

    679 can .

    Except ! ! ! using a APO-SIRONAR DIGITAL 35mm lens in combination with the ARCASWISS

    ROTASLIDE . Current state . But . . .

    models can be converted , if necessary , to also have it .



  14. BoB


    Shall I therefore sell all my ARCA gear and then discover , that by tomorrw , my new gear

    is not capable of function x or function y , but my sold gear would be ? ? ?


    By the time , I decided to go for an ARCA 6x9 the LINHOF 679 could not even do a simple

    lateral shift .


    And by that time , nobody ever thought of a slide adapter .


    So , whatever decision you make , it might be "wrong" by tomorrow .


    I love my ARCASWISS 6x9 ( and also 4x5 , where LINHOF is absolutely unable to compete)

    and Philippe Vogt , the genius of ARCASWISS will find a solution .

    So there is no need to sell my gear , but be patient and wait for a solution .


    I know LINHOF , I have been there for a couple of workshops too , but regarding LF , they

    just can not compete , not in technique and also not in price .


    Regards J�rgen

  15. Joshua , Larry



    DIGITAL 35mm (and others) is not solved jet .

    I had a phone call with Martin Vogt today and suggested that he should send me a

    backframe from the ARCASWISS 6x9 MONOLIT (which would also fit my 6x9) , because

    with that frame , you will not have the issue .

    You would only loose the lateral shift , but you could compensate that by the front shift .

    He told me , that they are in the final assembly phase of a modified backframe for the F-

    line camera . That means , you can get your backframe modified . Ahhhh , very good .


    He just returned from the NYC photo show and promised to call me next week .


    I will then update again .


    Regards J�rgen

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