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as de beer

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Image Comments posted by as de beer


    i realise it is an old over-worked issue, but how come that there is still someone lurking in the dust who can give this stunning photo a 3/4 rating?
  1. Welcome to p.n.!


    I can't tell you much about photography, but something about p.n. Do not worry too much about the 3/3 ratings. Keep going, post your best work, and wait for the p.n. people who matter to comment on your photos. Best, asdeb

    Vasa (1625 - 1628)


    Ross Campbell has said it all about this picture (and perhaps also in terms of the ongoing photography/photoshop debate):


    "... it's most likely the work of someone who knows how to DESIGN A ELECTRONIC PICTURE on a computer, rather than capture a moment of life. So that doesn?t make it original in the sense of it being a real photo, but it does in the sense that i have never seen many PICTURES/PHOTOS like this before."


    so there we have it: photography "captures of moment of live" (directly, i would add). it is the photographer's grasp/capture of his/her version/perception of that particular moment in time. with photoshop one makes/creates something else, and in that sense it is also a version of (the photoshopper's) reality. but, then, as in the case of 16th-17th century painters, one would expect a "digital picture" such as this one, to adhere to common natural and other "laws'/conventions", and not only be "pretty" or "awesome" (unless, i suppose it is meant to be a surrealistic digital picture). none of the great european masters would have painted this scene with all its flaws running against the laws of nature (e.g a calm sea with blowing sails and not as much as a drop of water splashing against the keel; degree of tilt; short shadow etc. -- see other comments above). and this is the main reason why it should not be on the cover of a (serious) book meant for education/infotainment. or do we want to tell the readers that ships sail ON the water, and not IN the water?


    so what do we have in the end?: a pretty amazing pretty digital picture. asdeb


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