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Image Comments posted by tylerwind

  1. Does anyone think this image could be improved with some "dodging and burning" or other digital editing? All my images are EXACTLY how they are shot because to be honest, I don't know how to use digital editing programs (yet)! I do always shoot a whole range of exposures (everything from over to underexposed) and noticed on some of the more exposed files that the sand looked a little more detailed because it wasn't so black. Do you guys think that would enhance this image? I don't have one with me, but would be happy to post a more exposed image if anyone would like. Thanks so much for helping!

    Alien Landscape

    Alex-I'm no expert on IR, but this is a great picture! I like the feel that IR gives the shot and your composition is fantastic to start with! The broken tree is a great foreground object and the "skeleton trees" and people in the rear are well suited. Good placement of the horizon for this particular shot. I like!


    Maajed-I like this picture! I think the composition is good. I especially like the upper left portion of the picture. The lower right, because it is mostly black, is a bit more boring and lacks the silhouette forms of the opposing side. the golden water adds a nice touch. Did you consider shooting it with the sun a bit higher? Again, just a brain storm thought. Overall, I'd say this is a very pleasing picture.


    This is a really great shot! You can't go wrong with palm trees and this is a great capture! I especially love the blue sky! The only suggestion I would have is possibly try to find a scene like this where the trees are slightly more spread out. I love shooting palms/palmettos and find that while you want several together, if they are too close they overlap their leaves and it can be less pleasing. But, that is just a brain storm suggestion. I love this picture exactly how it is! You did a great job on the exposures--colors are superb!


    Frank--This is one of the most unique photos I've seen! Even the rods sticking off the building look like they are holding the moon like a crystal ball! This picture would be good without the moon, but the moon adds an artistic touch and makes it very, very unique! I imagine there isn't but a couple seconds when you could shoot the moon in perfect position like you have! (I know how hard it is to shoot the sun in a precise spot before it moves) You did a very good job and I feel you deserve better ratings than many have given!


    Paal--I think this shot is being underappreciated! I absolutely love the accent given by the red and black sign--it contrasts really well! That is what really makes this shot and the tree is a nice touch. I'd like to see the background a bit less hazy but I still think this is a great shot! Good job!

    Sail Away!

    Dave-I think you are getting taken to the cleaners on the ratings so far--this is a good shot and I think people are underappreciating it! One thing I would think may improve it would be to underexpose a bit more to silhouette the boat and make it a little darker. I think that would create contrast but this is a great idea/composition and a strong shot!

    The gate

    Very nice B&W! This is a great job of taking something that is not exciting by itself (and is covered in grass) and making an exciting picture out of it! It speaks well for your talent! Congrats!
  2. Ben-I admit that I'm a sucker for a lighthouse and shoot them all the time but that aside, this is a really wonderful shot! I love how there are little tide pools (I assume that is what they are) and those pilings give interest to the left side of the frame and lead your eye away towards the lighthouse in the background. Very, very nicely done and wonderful exposure! The shadows are a nice touch as well. Keep up the good work!


    Richard--I looked at the edited photo and must say I like it much better, don't you? I think the boat being a bit brighter really brings it out. After all, it is the boat which really separates this composition making it extraordinary instead of ordinary. I still think you probably should have exposed the picture a bit more. The whole scene could have used a bit more exposure. The only thing that is bright is that window in the sky (which is pretty). A longer exposure would not make that window in the clouds as dramatic but would lighten the landscape--I think there is a happy medium. It looks like you are fairly new to photo.net. I'm not sure if you are new to photography or not--I myself am pretty new to photography and photo.net so take my advice for what it's worth. One way I get around this as someone who isn't an exposure expert is I bracket EVERYTHING VERY WIDELY!!! If I find a really great shot, I probably shoot 7 or 8 shots so I have the whole range from overexposed to underexposed. You'd be shocked how many times I've looked at a photo and thought it was perfect then looked at a slightly different exposure and thought "Wow, that is better!" Unless you're an expert (and I'm not) I think wide bracketing is the way to go. So, to sum up, I think the pic you posted was really good, the lightened version you attached was even stronger, but if you had (or go back and do it) shot a longer exposure I *think* you would have had your best shot. Don't let that get you down--first of all, I'm not the God of photography opinion by any means and secondly, you still have an outstanding photo exactly how it is! I'm just being picky and trying the better something that's already good. Once again, your composition is spectacular--I'd say near perfect for this scene. Just experiment with different exposures--it may be another day would give the "perfect" shot. Let me know if you need anything else--I'm glad to lend my "help" for whatever it's worth!


    I think you did a great job composing this shot and it turned out nicely. What I would do to make it better would be to expose it more or lighten up the foreground. The boat is a nicely placed object (and an attractive one) but kind of blends in with a dark foreground that is could be a lot more exciting. If you brighten up the foreground (especially the boat) I think it would enhance this shot a lot. That's just my opinion and regardless, I think this is a good shot how it is.
  3. This is a great shot! The sky draws your attention without looking unnatural, which I admire greatly. I think finding and photographing a natural sky (and not creating one in photoshop) is a rare and admirable talent. I like the golden lighting in this shot too. I do find myself wanting to be a bit closer--perhaps a little zooming would have enhanced the photo slightly but regardless, this shot is great how it is!
  4. A great composition. The contrast is great for a B&W picture. I love the old boat. You may want to try a composition with the boat off-center. I think that MAY look better, but that's a matter of opinion. This picture is great how it is though!

    fog on the field

    I love the rays of sunshine coming from behind the tree. Very well done! The tree, sky, foreground, and sun rays all contrast well together making a very pleasing photograph--strong work!
  5. This is a great photograph! I love the beach scene and it has beautiful colors. The sand color and texture is spectacular! I guess you could wish for a few more fluffy clouds but aside from that, I can't think of a way this could be better! VERY well done!
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