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Image Comments posted by tylerwind



    Marko-I just did a quick search and there are many nude shots similar to this one that are widely considered more "tasteful" or "artistic" because of subtle differences--a hand is over something, the legs and arms are bent, the head is turned, etc. I suggest studying those to try to improve your own shots.


    LASTLY, I'm TERRIBLY JEALOUS of all the reviews you get! I sure wish some people would come to my pictures and give me some feedback--I have a hard time getting a single comment! :)


    Marko-First of all, I'm going to be much less harsh than the reviewers of the other pictures in your portfolio. I am going to start by making the assumption that the results you've obtained are not 100% ideal for what you are trying to achieve. If this is your "perfect picture" then you can disregard much of this. But, my guess is that you want to take nude pictures like you see on photo.net and just don't know how. To be honest, I can take a sunset shot but if I tried to take a nude it would probably turn out worse than yours. I don't take nudes and really have no interest in them but I feel bad that you and your photographic skill have been personally insulted. To be honest, I see much on this website that I feel is "soft porn" but as one reviewer on one of your pictures the only difference is that the photographer has more skill/experience than yourself. As a beginner myself, I don't want you to get discouraged--none of those guys that insulted you, your skill, or your pictures were born taking shots like Ansel Adams. But, in the same breath I must say that if you want to take pictures like the people on this site that do "great" nudes, then be more proactive about seeking their advice. Say "this is my attempt but it turned out wrong...what do I need to do with my lighting/exposure/model/etc. to improve?" I know these things may be obvious to photographers that shoot nude shots, but to those of us who don't they are not. Like I said, I can shoot a mean sunset but if you asked me to do a nude all you would get would be some hair and breasts that look like you are starring at them in a hotel room. I just want to encourge you to keep seeking what is to you the "perfect photo." True, if you want totally naked chicks this isn't the site to post on. But, the fact that you have some clothes on them, are covering certain parts, etc. tells me you are trying and I think that is important and should be encouraged. I agree with the reviewer of another of your pictures, your photographs are no less pornographic and reveal no more than many other people's but the difference is the other photographers have (according to most) more photographic skill. I sympathize with anyone trying their best because to be honest, I look at half the pictures on this site that aren't "my cup of tea" and wonder how anyone could like them!! Likewise, the people who do nudes and abstract probably look at my sunsets and think they are crap--I know it happens. I realize that and everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'm sorry you have been attacked so harshly when it seems that you are trying. I personally do see your shots as a bit on the "blunt" side--maybe if you are really trying to take tasteful, artistic (or, what is considered so by the majority of nude photographers) shots you can make that known and someone who remembers struggling with their first shots can help you out. After all, this forum is not meant to just praise beautiful pictures--the point is to improve, no matter what your current skill level. If this is your goal, make that known, act accordingly, and hopefully someone with knowledge on the subject (sorry, I would be WORSE than you!) can help you out! Good luck!


    Great idea and wonderful vantage point! I like this shot and love how it shows the lizard blending with the tree (which is probably why he didn't move...he didn't think you could see him). I would like to see his face in sharp focus is my only criticism. Right now his back is sharpest. That is my only suggestion--good idea and composition!

    Loch Lomond Fog

    Michal-I do like this shot how it is but I would suggest also trying a lower vantage point. I think you may potentially have a better shot if it had more rock and less fog. I was just thinking a lower vantage point would get more rock to attract attention and then allow the picture to skim along the surface of the water and fade more gradually into the fog. It's only a suggestion--this is a good capture how it is!
  1. I'm not usually not a fan of this type of shot but I must say I like this one! It feels like he's going to run out of the computer at me--great capture! I love the brightness of the runner's face and clothes. The time of day really made this picture--good work!
  2. Wow...I bet the first song was "She thinks my tractor's sexy!" As a country boy myself, I can't complain! Great capture, wonderful colors (several deep, crisp colors) and what a unique scene--well done!!!


    A very, very pleasing picture and a terrific job capturing what you can't "see" (ie-the wind). I love the rock beach and the sky. Great work!


    I'm usually more of a fan of "pretty" than "creative" but your creativity and the uniqueness of this shot were so great that I feel compelled to comment! You should be proud of this shot--well done!


    Nice sky, wonderful rays of sun, and overall a very pleasing picture. I do wish you could see the wonderful silhouette a little better. You did a good job of creating it but it kind of gets lost in the foreground darkness. I'm honestly not sure how you would do it, but if you could find a way to have a little more light in the foreground I think it would enhance this shot. That's a brainstorm and me being picky--this is a good shot how it is!


    Love the green tones! I would probably vote to move the hut more to the right (just a slight bit to make it more off centered) but that is picky. This is a good shot!

    Rush Hour

    What an awesome scene! I love the twist the title gives the picture. Your capture and composition are strong. Where is this shot taken? It's such a unique place I'd love to visit!


    Mike-An absolutely outstanding shot! I like the sky and love the blue color of the water. The palms are fantastic--I love how I can "see" them blowing in the wind in this still shot. I also like the rock formations which give an interesting foreground. I love photographing palms/palmettos but unfortunately they don't usually get the best of reviews on photo.net (I usually do single trees and sunrise/sunset)--your shot is doing pretty well...congrats! The setting (foreground and distant sky/water) is very pleasing which accents the palms well and attracts the attention of more people who like variety--well done!
  3. Very interesting and neat photo! I really like it! I would love to see what it would look like in color as well--if you happen to have that, please post it. This is a very pleasing shot though--well composed and excellent subject!

    Late Summer III

    I just LOVE fields on hay bales! I like the focus(?) of the picture. The ground looks kind of fuzzy to me but it really works with the shadows and composition (I wouldn't change a thing!). How did you do that? I'd love more info so I can take a picture like this!

    Edward III

    I don't really know much about portraits and don't comment on them much at all but I like this one. Something about the eyes really make it stand out. I like how the rest of the shot kind of fades away towards the edges and your attentions is drawn to his eyes. I'm not sure if that was your goal, but I like it! Definitely NOT a 3/3! Keep up the good work!


    Eddie--A very neat idea and cool picture! You've just given me a couple new ideas for my own pictures! Great colors in this shot. Me personally I wish the sun was in sharper focus so you get that crisp ball of fire look but I guess that may take away from the limb being the focus. It's just a thought but I'd still like to see what it would look like. This is a very creative and pleasing shot!


    This is a commonly used photograph but is still anything but ordinary!!! I love it! I like how the road starts in the middle and angles to the left--very good work! Excellent exposure too! I'm a big fan!


    I was just going down the forum and commenting on what I liked the most and have stopped at both your pictures now--this is another good shot. I loved the other post but this one is even better! The road and tree placement in this picture are superb. The road looks like it is heading off into the sunset (literally). Again, colors and clouds in the sky are fantastic, just like in your previous post. There's a little less light in the foreground in this picture but I actually like that better in this shot so your attention goes more to the distant part of the shot. Your eye is able to "hop on the road" and ride out to the sunset. This is a wonderful shot--I'm jealous!!! I vote 7/7 on this one. Well done!


    Love it! How cool is it that you can see inside its mouth and see gills? A very nice capture of a very cool fish! I think I personally would like to see a bit more depth of field so a bit more of the fish is in focus (this may not be how the "professionals" say to take the shot--just how this rookie thinks it would look good). I'd like to see those big fanning pectoral fins a little sharper. BUT, this is a great capture exactly how it is--I'm just brainstorming different ways you could shoot it and *potentially* make a more pleasing or at least different shot. Good work!
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