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Image Comments posted by tylerwind

    A is for Air...

    An absolutely spectacular job! The relative sharpness of the rider/bike contrasted to the very blurred background give you the perfect sense of movement and action. Time is great, composition is good--I really can't think of a way this could be better. You hit the nail on the head--congratulations!
  1. A very good composition and pleasing picture. I wish the sky had been a bit more cooperative and been a pretty blue with some puffy white clouds but this is a pleasing picture. Again, your composition is superb. Overall, this is a great shot but try again on another day with a better sky and you'll have a real winner!

    special evening

    Yep, photoshop still can't beat what God can create! This is a wonderful scene and very, very real looking, unlike many pictures you see on here. I know for me personally I try to show people what I saw and not some imaginary fairytale land from photoshop. You did a good job of making a good picture with pleasing colors but also keeping it very real. I love the colors, clouds, and reflections off the water. This is very well done--great job finding a place of intrinsic beauty and capturing it for us all to enjoy!


    Luis-This is a very good first post! I'm new to photo.net myself (been doing this for a couple weeks). I like the colors and the clouds are fantastic! You say the image is not manipulated and I take your word for it--given that fact, that yellow sky is amazing. I've never seen one quite that color! Again, the clouds are so thick yet bright--in my experience that is also rare. I like the boat in the foreground--it would have been nice to have it a little lower in the frame (ie--shoot from up higher) so it doesn't run into the darkness of the land. One could wish that the land could have had more interesting silhouette shapes but overall I'd say this is an outstanding photo and great start in the forum!

    Copper head

    KILL IT!!!! KILL IT!!!!! Ok...I guess I have to put my snake phobia aside for a second and look at the picture, which is very good. I cannot think of a creepier subject but your capture is well done. Given people's fears, the danger, and rareness of seeing copperheads (very timid snakes) this shot is very unique, which in and of itself makes it good.
  2. I know what you mean! Those silly light poles can really mess up some pictures! The other shots you posted are also good aside from the fact they have the construction barriers. If everything were landscaped they would be wonderful!


    A very well composed shot! I like the stones on the right, the leafless trees, and especially the sun shining through and leaving a golden trail on the icy road! I think the colors/exposure could be improved. I'd like to see the snow appear more "snow white" and the right side of the picture a little brighter so there is more detail. To be honest, the road could stand to be a bit brighter as well. Overall this is a pleasing photo though and the composition is superb!
  3. I love your capture of the great sky and clouds and interesting perspective on the bridge! In your critique photo, I find myself wanting it zoomed out just a little bit to include a bit more bridge. I'm being picky though, this is unique and pretty.


    Ivan-I can't say this is a gorgeous picture I would hang on my wall but it is a well done capture of this particular scene! I love the beauty of rays of sunshine and they are often difficult to properly capture but you have done so wonderfully! The capture on the sky/rays is perfect, I just wish there was something else in the picture to attract my attention. Overall, it is well done and a very pleasing picture!
  4. Victoria-I agree somewhat with the previous comment. I do think the silhouette gets lost a bit in the middle of the image because her head falls perfectly at the level of land. I think the bottom portion of the image is fine. I think it would have been a tad bit more pleasing if you (as the photographer) had lowered your perspective and by doing so put the head and upper body of your subject on the level of the sky (ie-her head would be in the orange/red area). Nevertheless, this is an interesting shot, I like the bottom portion of the silhouette, and the colors are great! The water is perfect--it is nice and peaceful with a nice glow from the sunset!
  5. Andy-I really like this shot. The one thing that I think may enhance it a bit for me would be having a bit more light on the foreground. The sky is fantastic but I don't notice it initially because the shot is dominated by the foreground. I like the foreground and think your composition is great how it is but if it was a bit lighter I think I could see more detail and it would hold my attention a little bit better. Lastly, more light/detail in the foreground I believe would compliment the sky better. But, overall, this is a great capture as it is--well done!


    This is a great shot--I really enjoy it! The colors are wonderful and everything is well exposed, which is rare with such a pretty sky. You can see good detail in all parts of the photo. I like the touch of the footprints and the people but I'd also like to see the shot without them. I think if you just had footprints and no people I *may* like it a little bit better. However, it is a strong composition and exposure exactly how it is--I'm just brain storming potential ways to get another picture out of this great scene!


    I agree--a little color adjustment and I think this photo (exactly how it is!) would be terrific! You did a good job spotting this photo opportunity and framing the picture!
  6. Giulio-I have a lot of thoughts on this shot. First of all, that water is spectacular! I love the deep blue and the contrast with the land is excellent! From what I gather from you title, your goal was to show the little white church. To be honest, I didn't even see it at first. If you want to show the church, for me it would have to be much more prominent in the photo. Perhaps you could find another vantage point closer? So, I guess in summary, I like the shot and the colors in it but think it would have to be composed much differently to show the church (which I agree, would be a great object to photograph). Keep up the good work--your colors could not be more crisp--I love'em!

    Cognac Morning

    Peter-I love this shot! I think the sun is well placed and sky is great. Furthermore, the exposure of the vines is perfect because they have enough detail and light to be interesting without being too bright and killing the mood of the picture. I also like the white glow in the back of the vineyard that gives you a fog or misty feel. For me, this is one of those pictures where you look at it and feel like you know what the air felt like. I always enjoy pictures that "take me" to the place they were taken and this one does an excellent job of that! GREAT WORK!
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