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Posts posted by aaron_lam

  1. I think only use in practice will be able to tell.


    My hunch based on the white papers is also a bit of a trick... it states more noise in shadow... which I feel like would be the same thing I achieved if I adjust the highlight/shadow in post. But I guess we'll see.


    I don't see why this would have to be "mode" if they really did increase the dynamic range. Seems like what you said... it is just underexposing.


    Best regards,




  2. I am actually not that impressed with the 1DmkIII (don't get me wrong... I have been very curious for Canon's new line up to come out). Here is why:


    1. Live Preview - Maybe I misunderstood but in Live Preview mode, you can only manual focus (pg 24 of the white papers). This totally defeats the purpose of those over the head wide angle shots you can get with a digicam. You are still shooting blind. So it is primarily only good when shooting in a studio (probably still not this camera's forte) where checking on a larger monitor or computer screen would be more helpful. The only place I see this as a real asset is shooting still macros in the field. The speed you lose in using this feature to me would not offset the gain of seeing enlarged focus or metering adjustments.


    2. 10mp vs 8mp... 10fps vs 8fps - nice but not a huge advancement.


    3. Integrated cleaning - isn't the jury still out on the effectiveness of this with the Rebel XTi?


    4. Wider dynamic range - According the white papers (pg 12) this setting will sacrifice noise in the shadows. I guess we will have to see exactly what the compromise is. Isn't that the same thing that happens when you adjust in post production? The CS3's new shadow/highlight adjustments in RAW is actually much more interesting to me.


    5. More file format saving options. Faster processing (dual processors?) - My 1DII has never slowed me down. File format options are nice but would you SERIOUSLY shoot sRAW instead of RAW? Why? Especially with such a big buffer... I feel most people shoot the best quality they can and downgrade afterwards. Dual Processors I think is just a buzz word.


    6. Faster/Better AF - Surely this will be invaluable to some but only time will tell how much better than the current system it will actually be. Nice upgrade but I wouldn't pay for it.


    The only improvement that did interest me was the lighter body (but I'd rather have liked to see a 1V type body in a DSLR). I'd rather have just liked to see a lighter battery for the current 1-series...


    IMO, this is a great body if you didn't already own a 1DII or 1DIIN and were in the market for one... BUT I don't think it is that GREAT of a deal. Same price as the 1DIIN released 2 years ago and slighter cheaper than the 3 year old 1DII with what is to me, bogus upgrades... okay... maybe that is an exaggeration. I'd love to see what others think... not just the OOGLING that has been going on :) I hope they release a D200 counterpart... cause that camera keeps staring at me.


    Best regards,




  3. I use a Timbuk2 X-Small messenger bag (they make the best shoulder bags in my book). www.timbuk2.com AND you can custom design it to your taste.


    I put a large domke insert into the main compartment (the kind that comes with a J2) and split it with a single flap velcro divider. I am able to carry a 1DII w/ 50 f/1.2 or 35 f/1.4 mounted and another lens in the other compartment (16-35 / 85 f/1.8 / 100 macro / 24-105 IS).


    I have experimented with TONS and TONS of non-camera-bag bags and this is the most discreet, easy to carry, easy access combination I came up with.


    Check out this site too: http://www.cambags.com/


    Good luck!




  4. Hey Josh,


    Looks like you are right... for some reason I thought the returns passed through Amazon but I think a storefront retailer does ship directly from that retailer. Thanks for the correction.


    I still wouldn't hesitate ordering from Amazon. I WOULD hesitate on the private sellers (selling used/new) items on Amazon. Those have been known to be scams and have to be policed same as eBay.



  5. If you look at the product page, Amazon presents the CHEAPEST price as the default option. Other retailers are listed on the right hand column. Can't ask for better than that.


    If I had a choice to order from Adorama directly or Adorama through Amazon, I'd order through Amazon (given the prices are the same) simply for their return policy.


    Free shipping is slow... but what do you expect... it's free! Overnight shipping is reasonable and not total gouging like even some of the respectable camera shops online.


    Good luck!




  6. What type of sports teams? Are you currently having problems AFing with your 20D? I think the 5D is closer to the 20D in AF performance than the 5D is to 1-series. If you are happy with the 20D and based on most of the shooting you are doing, I think you'd be happy with th 5D.


    As a side note, the biggest problem for me is that AF selection point method. I just couldn't get used to that cursor. And the AF spread is much smaller in the 5D than in the 20D simply b/c of the sensor size difference.


    This all might be null depending on what they will or won't release at PMA. You should wait a few more days before finalizing your decision.


    Good luck!




  7. Haha.. Jerry.. I love your images. Pictures speak 1000 words.


    <i>As for the smaller, darker viewfinders, that is the case with some of the crop bodies due to the smaller sensors, but some of the higher-end bodies use magnification to increase the size of the viewfinder relative to the sensor, so even though the sensor is small, the viewfinder experience is more akin to a FF.</i>


    Out of curiousity, which camera magnify the images? I'd be curious to look at that. I have seen Rebel XT, 20D, 10D... is this done in the 30 D or a Nikon body?





  8. I think you will understand the first time you hold a full frame or film camera up to your eye, then pick up a crop camera and hold it up. The smaller sensor dictates a smaller view of the image through the viewfinder.


    Plenty of great photographers use 1.6 crop cameras or Nikon's 1.5 crop so it couldn't be THAT tough. I think FF would probably be easier but as with anything, you'd probably get used to it.


    There are other differences with a smaller sensor such as dynamic range and pixel density. There is also more background blur with a FF compared to a crop.


    The big advantage in my book for a crop is that the dedicated lenses can be smaller. Also, when using full frame lenses, you camera crops down to the "sweet spot" of most lenses.


    Are you trying to decide on a camera? The price difference b/w a 30D and a 5D is probably enough to make the decision for you. If you have never used a full frame, you'd might not miss it ;)


    Good luck!




  9. I think this WOULD indeed be a nice addition. I know a lot of people say that IS on macro wouldn't be helpful b/c:


    1. You should be using a tripod.

    2. IS only helps stabilize in 2 dimensions and not front and back and at such close distances and shallow DOF, this could be crucial.


    But I think for just general handheld macro shooting, IS would be a great feature. The real problem is Canon will probably charge you another 300-500 bucks for it making it a $800 - $1000 and that just makes it not worth it. If you were an avid macro shooter, it might be something but for me... the $500 100 USM is a great macro lens I can use when I need and sometimes doubles as a portrait lens.


    Here's to seeing what PMA brings!



  10. Sounds like what happened is when you register online, it is a faster process than just straight mailing it in. So if they received the internet print out... true, there was no paperwork with it.


    You have to remember, however incompetent the system is, they probably have a huge rebate processing factory that does more than just Canon. From what I understand, this is an outsourced company. You can't send in 2 applications, 1 with UPC's and 1 without and expect them to piece it together (that sounds like what happened... I could be misreading you).


    I have done the rebates the last 3 years and have had no problems. Of course, I have heard plenty of horror stories. Keep calling. If Canon was purposely out to screw you, it seems liable for a big law suit for a BIG company. Doesn't seem like a good business plan regardless.


    Good luck!




  11. Well... just cause you have a problem with dust, back focus etc... you would have to return it and either buy it from another shop or exchange it for another one at the same shop. Regardless, I don't think the odds of receiving a "bad" 5D improve based on which shop you go to as long as it is a high volume shop (like Adorama or BH) and not Uncle Bills Camera store who only sells 2 5D's a year.


    The better solution (to me at least) is send to Canon Factory Service and have them get it in perfect shape... which on a camera under warranty.. the should do for free. I think they clean 1 series cameras for free for the life of the camera.


    The other stipulation is... I know Puppy Face lives in Hawaii so mailing cameras back and forth might be a problem. Lana lives in LA... an hr drive to Irvine service center so you could drive down to Irvine on a weekday, drop the camera off... go shopping and get it back the same day (for cleaning at least... not sure for back focus).


    That is what I would do... I'd just make sure I bought from a store where I'd actually GET the camera. That is weird about them calling for upgrade. I have bought several lenses from Adorama and never got a call... maybe you have to buy a camera. Just say no :)


    Good luck!




  12. Based on your reply, it seems that the 100-400IS is your best solution. Dedicated nature, 400mm, sharper than any flavor of 70-200 with tele's and a zoom.


    The 300 f4 IS would give you the flexibility of getting a 1.4 also. This would give you a bit further reach and lets you use it on the 70-200 f4 when you want a smaller lighter package.


    But the 100-400 would give it to you all in one small neat package. I just don't like the push-pull zoom but that is my opinion. A lot of people love this lens.


    I wonder if this would be updated... it has a first generation IS if I remember correctly.


    Good luck!




  13. Sorry for the multi-posting but here is another thought:


    A 5D is not like buying clothes where it might not fit or the color didn't match etc. The 5D is the 5D. You should go to Samy's and get some hand on experience with it... I think they let you bring a memory card in and even lenses to shoot around the store. I assume you know the specs. Maybe even rent one. Make sure that is what you want and buy at the best priced most reputable place. Stay away from those heavy discount places... www.resellerratings.com.


    Lenses can be a different story but there aren't many choices with camera bodies. If you have committed to Canon... want full-frame... at an affordable price... you have the 5D or the... 5D. You can also wait to see what is announced at PMA later this month.


    Good luck!




  14. I have bought several items from both B&H and Adorama and they are great. I just got a 50L from Adorama... best price online. Another place that is fast gaining a good rep and cheap prices is Onecall.com. You can also try Amazon.


    I WOULD NOT buy it from Samy's (I am local). Did you know they don't have a return policy? You can only trade in for exchanges. I bought 2 lens cases there and couldn't return the second one b/c it didn't fit my lens... I came back THE SAME DAY! Oh well. They are fun to look at things in but they are overpriced and return policy is horrible IMO.


    Good luck!




  15. Hmm... I take back my original zoom suggestion. A 17-40L and a 70-200L would be much better than the 24-105IS. If you must IS, better not on the 17-55IS or 24-105IS and on the 70-200 f4 L. I have owned the 17-40L, 16-35L, 70-200 f/2.8 IS, 70-200 f4 and 24-105 IS at one point or another and think that the 17-40L/70-200f4L is the best priced L combo out for sure (will get you the most focal lengths if a wide range is what you are looking for).


    Good luck!




  16. I was just perusing Bob Atkin's prediction list and it seems a big wish item is

    an IS equipped body. What would happen if you mounted an IS lens to an IS body?

    I don't think any systems offer both right now (IS bodies and IS lenses). I

    guess you can always just shut it off but seems like there would be some sort of

    interference here... as opposed to gaining 6 stops :)


    Makes me think that Canon (so invested in the IS lens world) would have little

    interest in making an IS SLR body. But what do I know.


    Just food for thought...




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