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Image Comments posted by laurentlacoste

  1. Bonjour, Marco! Everything is perfect in this photo, from Mel's expression to the great composition you've managed to organise here. To have the glasses participate in creating the atmosphere is really a tour de force! What a great mood!


    I wish you the best as well as to your beautiful family, happiness and health, and photos!


    Chi, a good documentary photo that says a lot. Let's hope one day this world will be a better place for all the living beings on our little planet.


    Lots of fun here! Suspending her ghostly silhouette in mid-air was a great idea. I like the colours too. I'm glad the digital age has allowed phantoms to makeover their image a little too, that's cool!


    Hello, dear European and PN neighbour! Great, Hanna. So you bought a brand new 30D, I think it came out recently, didn't it? Are you happy with it? I like the treatment very much here. It looks like film. Beautiful work.


    A.K., it is great pleasure for me to discover your new pictures. I haven't been too active on PN lately. I particularly like this portrait, as it really captures the essence of the two characters to me. This is a very humane image. We can feel the kindness and the presence of the children. The light is wonderful.


    Dear A.K., this image along with the Less Travelled Path are very special images. Wonderfully captured and produced. There's so much truth in these two photographs.
  2. I started with the square thanks to my father's camera in the 70s, but stopped using it after a while. In fact, when I bought my first digital compact camera three years ago and took up photography, I found it really comfortable to shoot with its 6 by 8 format. Then I bought my DSLR and had to get used again to the traditional SLR format. At the beginning, I'd find myself with too much space left on the side, which I didn't know how to use. I feel more comfortable with it now, and I try to crop as little as I can and get the right picture right away (well, easier said than done). Now I can't really tell whether I think 2/3 rather than 3/4. Linda, thanks for sharing.



    Linda, I took this one a few months ago. Funny how we have the same kind of constructing habits everywhere. Mine could be called Save The Art Deco. Here's an attachment for you.

  3. Beautiful, Linda. These three new pictures are perfect companions for the whole series. I think we share the same interest in color. I find it great too, to isolate a color and take photos with a theme. I like the square format. You know, the first pictures I ever made were taken with my father's old 6 by 6 Rolleifleix, a great camera. I think it was in the early 70s. Curiously, I don't do much square format now. . I think maybe I should try to go back to square, I love it.

    Jumping in Cancale

    Very good shot, laurent. I find in this photo as well as in the rest of your work a certain sense of space, which gives a lot of air, room to breathe in your photos. You do this in a very personal way. A great asset Laurent.

    lady in the water

    Great Linda! The whole series is truly great. There's a lot of research here! I was instantly attracted to this one too but didn't comment at once, I was a little shy I guess! Congratulations.

    my dog (4)

    Hi Hanna, I'm back from a long holiday and I'm glad to be commenting on friends' pics again. Fine subjec here, and great glowing orange light. Hanna, how have you been?
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