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Image Comments posted by elenaexisting


    I admittedly don't know enough about this genre of photography to comment on technique, but this shot has great perspective. And I appreciated the opportunity to find out what those girls on the radio look like -- since I pretty much exist in a pop music culture vacuum.
  1. Janie, You do a really outstanding job of capturing psychological and emotional complexity in your subjects. There is defensiveness and vulnerability in this photo, but the overall effect can't be simplified into simple helplessness. The expression has tones of great warmth beneath the surface, and the eyes still convey lively interest and intensity.


    May I ask what camera you are using?

    3 Masks

    Exquisite choice of masks. This photo contains a lot of narrative drama, with the mask on the right so distinct from the other two. I love it!


    The composition is lovely, but what really makes this photo striking for me are the tracks both behind and in front of the subject. This really added mystery to the composition and drew my interest.
  2. This shot has some slight blurring and is softer than I usually like

    to keep, but the effect seemed to work for me, with the motion helping

    to direct my eye. I'm curious to know whether others feel the same,

    or find the softness to be irritating instead.

    Water kiss..

    You managed to capture just enough expression in the abbreviated profile to infuse the scene with personality. Very nicely done. I think the hand in the water is a necessary detail to complete the scene.
  3. I caught the light shining through this ashtray on the patio of a

    small coffeeshop and wanted to capture it. Wasn't sure which category

    to put this in. It isn't quite abstract, and too object-oriented to

    be architecture. Hopefully this was an okay choice. If not, please

    redirect me for future reference. Street? Documentary? I'm new to

    this. Thanks!


    This is astonishingly sharp and clean. I really admire your portfolio. I am just starting out and am struggling with acheiving clean detail lines. Thanks for providing great inspiration.


    This is really beautiful, especially the great allignment of the triangle with the edges of the frame. My mother and grandmother both grow irises, so for me, this is a very nostalgic photo. Lovely.

    blue way

    The picture I saw earlier today intrigued me, so I had to come and investigate. This one is definitely my favorite. It's painful and exquisite. I agree with the Moby comment. What really caught me is the interior stoicism of the face amidst the turmoil of shedding both light and darkness simultaneously.
  4. Janie, this is my favorite of your photos and I'm going to disagree with the other critiquers. Without the title, I might agree with them, but personally, I think the title is significant and helps set the mood for the photo. The trees curve inward, drawn towards the vacuum of the open-bowled forest floor. Although it's Christmas, there isn't any snow. The eye IS drawn towards the empty right foreground, but that helps complete the mood of the photograph -- loneliness and isolation.

    Horticulture Man

    The more I look at this photo, the more I appreciate the complexity of the subject's expression. The look on his face is gruff and defiant, but also soft and protective. The plant seems to be clutched with both pride and defiance. It seems to me, to be a clear tropy to the subject, but one that he is aware that others may not value.

    look up

    My favorite part of this photo is the "hooded" effect you've acheived. The placement of the sunglasses creates a nice perceptual dissonance between the two faces -- almost a Janus mask.
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