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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Spearhead

  1. http://spirer.com/images/dumbwaiter.jpgDumbwaiter Shaft
  2. http://spirer.com/images/trafaria.jpg
  3. The problem I see is that while your shots are good, there is no indication of what you would do professionally. There is no significant market for what you show in your portfolio and no indication of what you would do on assignment. The higher-paying (if it can be called that) of today's professional photography is fairly mundane, time consuming, and requires skills not mentioned above, particularly patience when shooting and speed when processing. I made more money doing real estate photography than sports photography, live concert photography, or portraits, all of which I liked more. It paid extremely well and I had no deadbeat clients. But it was boring as it could be, it often involved waiting, and it required really fast turnaround. Sports required far more waiting and much more intense turnaround, a hundred shots processed for the web by 2AM after getting home at 12:30 (typically). Portraits, well, there were people that never showed up, people that didn't pay the remainder and wanted photos, etc. etc. I also did corporate events - conferences and that sort of thing - and while that had no payment problems, it was also quite boring and clients wanted fast turnaround. The problem a lot of people who enjoy photography find when they look at becoming a professional is that other than using a camera is little connection between the personal enjoyment activity and the professional activity.
  4. http://spirer.com/images/ptpots.jpg
  5. Crashplan doesn't do consumer backups anymore, iDrive and BackBlaze are the most prominent ones.
  6. http://spirer.com/images/beachhouses.jpg
  7. Then that works both ways, for photos and for writing.
  8. http://spirer.com/images/brickwindow1.jpg
  9. So if someone writes a story about something and illustrates it with photos, the writing isn't working?
  10. http://spirer.com/images/obivine.jpg
  11. Lightroom graphics acceleration ranges from small improvement for some operations to slower performance for most things. There's a lot of data on the web about how it isn't particularly useful. A faster drive will make far more difference in performance.
  12. http://spirer.com/images/escalatorbw.jpg
  13. http://spirer.com/images/castlelaundry.jpg
  14. http://spirer.com/images/stairwaybw.jpg
  15. Sounds like a configuration problem on your Mac. I have a MacBook Pro and can access PN on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  16. http://spirer.com/images/barredwindow.jpg
  17. http://spirer.com/images/nazis.jpg
  18. The moderator's forum disappeared with 2.0. It just wasn't implemented. Given that there was never a good communication channel with Glenn, it was a real setback to any kind of discussion that might help things. I haven't heard from Bob in a few years but Lex and I are in touch. He's not on PN anymore. I do know where some of the other mods are also, but I think we are all a lot less engaged at this point.
  19. I don't think Glenn is on here anymore. What used to be his account now has a generic name and is probably someone else. MTM Photography is Martin Tai. I'm not sure who made him a moderator, probably Glenn, nobody else was informed of this. He was the first person banned from Photo.net, probably around 1998 by Greenspun, somehow he came back.
  20. I've never cared much for Penn. I like Avedon's work, and Newman's. Avedon did change portraiture and fashion photography in a way that can't be dismissed as summarily as above. I disagree with the idea that backgrounds must be uncluttered, also. Look at Milton Rogovin's work.
  21. Since things are so far off the rails, and since Hannah was an important part of PN at one time, here's a photo I took of her a few years ago. http://spirer.com/haanaoct2015/content/images/large/_P9A9798.jpg
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