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Posts posted by vincenzo_maielli

  1. As new bargain, the Leica MP (i own this model and is very excellent) or a Leica M7 (if you like AE option). As used cameras, the best options are the M6 TTL as metered camera or, if you are expert with external meters (VC II, for example) the Leica M4.


  2. The FL lenses work very well on the FD bayonet mount. Particularly, work very well on the Canon F-1 old, FT-b QL and EF that all have a simply and quickly way to use the stop down metering. I mount on my F-1 old and FT-b QL a couple of FL lenses: 35/3.5, 58/1.2, 85/1.8 and 135/2.5.


  3. Rolleiflex 2.8F - Rolleicord Vb - Hasselblad 500 CM - Hasselblad 503 CX - Pentax 6x7 - Mamiya RB67 - Mamiya C220 - Mamiya C330 F - Leica M3 - Leica M4 - Leica M5 - Leica M6 - Leica M7 - Leica MP - Nikon SP - Canon 7s - Zeiss Ikon Contarex series - Leicaflex SL - Leicaflex SL2 - Nikon F Photomic FTn - Nikon F2A - Nikon F2AS - Nikon FM - Nikon FM2n - Nikon FM3A - Topcon RE Super - Topcon Super DM - Minolta SRT 101 - Minolta SRT 303 - Minolta XM/XK - Pentax Spotmatic series - Pentax KX - Pentax MX - Canon F-1 Old and New - Canon FTb QL - Canon EF - Contax RTS III.


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