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Posts posted by miles_feigenbaum___dallas_

  1. hey Sandra, while shooting my kids senior portrait, after you've finished would you take a shot of all her collectibles so we could have you make a 20 by 30 print that she could take to college. whats that, you need to shoot closed down to f22 for the crisp depth of field thats needed for the shot. what, not enough horsepower from your 500 watt powerpack.... whats the deal.....
  2. http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/text-digital-stroboscopy.html


    i have a stroboscopic light that I use to track and balance props on aircraft and helicopter rotor blades in flight. I can make the blades appear to be motionless and at that point can read the RPM's of the blades and or see if an reflective target is traveling in the same plane. It would be a useful tool for your project as you can speed up or slow down the flash rate.


    My quantum flash has the ability to adjust the flash rate designated in Hertz (hZ), or so many flashes per second. do a google search on high speed photography for many sources.


    in one article that i looked at they used a large aperature..





    The focusing screen, widely regarded as just a piece of focusing aid. You have to give credit to Canon's attention to such detail and put on such a great deal of effort into enabling New F-1 enjoy a level of viewing comfort not seen or heard before it.


    The focusing screen has another important function in the New F-1 camera because it can be use to change the metering systems in the camera, you will have three choices of either conventional center weighted average, Partial (12%) to spot (3%). Making the New F-1 the only professional camera in the early eighties that provides, three options to choose from to handle various lightling condition in a more precise and personal way of metering.



    Why Canon opposing to the mainstream of metering method adopted by many others such as putting a metering cell inside the mirror box instead? Canon claimed their tests performed in Canon's laboratories showed that the cell-in-the mirro-box method are more suited for aperture-priority AE mode, but does not function too smoothly when operating in shutter priority AE mode. (Because metering is performed after the lens has been stopped down, film plane metering systems often require shutter speed readjustments for maximum accuracy.) And since the New F-1 has shutter priority automation when it couples along with a motor drive or winder, this has become a technical requirement. Canon also claimed Film plane (TTL OTF) metering systems may pose some problems in using special films having a different reflective surface, including infrared film where they felt that TTL OTF system would limit the full performance of a professional-grade camera. The best course, according to Canon, would be to upgrade the focal plane metering system. Was it true or merely a marketing decision ? But it did made the Canon New F-1 has something that can be picked on by its rivals, whatever the desision made, Canon ate their own words by incorporating the TTL/OTF metering feature in another classic, the marvelous Canon T90 back in 1986 - the only thing significant feature in that camera is, the focusing method was replaced by dual SPCs, one under the mirror box and another at the eyepiece.


    Credit: Image courtesy of Mr. Claudio?. who is a collector for Canon photo gear, he also has an Ebay Section as well as maintaining a website on his own where occasionally trading some photo equipment.


    Focal plane metering in the F-1


    The New F-1 employs an improved version of the focal plane metering system used in the original Canon F-1. The focusing screen is actually fore the core of improvements made to the New F-1's focal plane metering system. Each focusing screen unit includes a specially designed photometry element which incorporates a wedge-shaped horizontal element.This element, a micro-beam splitter, is the same distance above the mirror as the film plane is behind the mirror. When light is reflected up to the eyepiece, a portion of this light is deflected by the micro-beam splitter's grating to the silicon photocell (SPC) metering element behind the focusing screen.



    The SPC that did all the miracle/tricks of the thrice metering patterns on the New F-1.



    The SPC is placed as close to the focal plane as possible, so that in effect, metering is performed at a point equivalent to the film plane. The SPC replaces the CdS photocell used in the former F-1.The focusing screen system comprises 13 different interchangeable screens which, besides helping you focus accurately, permit you to change the metering sensitivity pattern. All 13 screens are available for centerweighted average metering and selective area metering and 6 for spot metering, giving a total of 32 focusing screen/metering system combinations. The system includes two Bright Laser Mattes which are nearly 20% brighter than the other laser mattes in the series. The Cross Split facilitates focusing by dividing the subject in both horizontal and vertical directions and the standard New Split/Microprism solves the problem of prism darkening with slow lenses. Other screens are available for specialized uses. The A/B Size Laser Matte is useful for publishing and advertising, featuring engraved crosses in each corner for cropping. Changing screens is easy, requiring no special tool. For the first time in an SLR, one has a choice of several metering systems. The sensitivity pattern is changed by replacing the focusing screen. Three patterns are available.



    Center-weighted average metering: For normal shooting in either AE or manual mode. The sensitivity de creases progressively from the center to the edges. The pattern remains unchanged regardless of the lens focal length, and center-weighting in the horizontal direction is greatly accentuated to minimise difference in exposure between horizontal and vertical positions.


    Selective-area metering: A pattern that is particularly effective for backlit or contrasty subjects since it provides a precise reading of the subject or certain area of the frame. It is effective, also, for AE photography and stopped-down AE in close-up applications. Metering sensitivity is restricted to 12% of the image area.


    Spot metering: Functioning as a 3% spot meter, this pattern is advantageous in tricky exposure situations where extreme contrast exists between subject and background. Typical examples are a singer in the spotlight on stage and subjects with the sun or bright snow behind. It can be used to great effect with telephoto and super-telephoto lenses. Spot metering is also appropriate for close-up work and photomacrography when the subject is small in relation to the image area and/or when metering against the light. With a comparatively large subject, use of a selective-area screen is recommended.



    A little additional info on the Silicon photocell (SPC) SPC provides a wider metering range, fairly fast response, and superior linearity make this photocell the ideal choice for camera photometry systems


    Enlarged View of the SPC from the above illustration.You may Click here to find out more in the glossary section on SPC, SPD, Cds).


    Combined, these traits give the New F-1 an impressive coupling range of EV-1 to EV20 in 22 steps (a candle's flame) (ASA 100, 50mm f/1.4). This gives six more steps than the former F-1, which had a coupling range of EV3 to EV18. If you can see an image in the viewfinder, the New F-1 can meter it. How does it fared with its competitions ? The Nikon F3 has a rather conservative standard of EV1- EV18, while the Pentax LX posed the most impressive figure of EV -6.5 to EV20 in auto mode and EV1 to EV20 in manual mode. Similarily, the top of the line automatic Olympus OM models (OM2n, OM4, OM4Ti) are another few impressive model due to its real time metering capability off the film plane. During an exposure process, upon striking the SPC, the light is then immediately converted into an equivalent electrical signal. Since the strength of this signal, however, is only one-millionth that of the CdS photocell, it naturally requires amplification. The amplifier used in the metering system of the New F-1 and the paired SPC are fabricated together on a single silicon chip IC. This IC is then housed in a hermetically sealed package to protect it from the elements. Consequently, this metering system provides the reliability required in a professionalgrade camera.


    Metering sensitivity pattern


    Metering patterns control the functions of the photocell. The same lighting conditions measured with the same metering system will result in different readings (and consequently different exposure values), depending on how the photocell "senses" the light. The ability of the photocell to determine actual lighting conditions is controlled in large part by the metering sensitivity pattern. This pattern tells the photocell just how much light is falling on which areas of the image. Generally, the applications for which the camera was intended determine which metering sensitivity pattern is to be used. The New F-1 has been designed primarily for the professional user, making the consideration of metering sensitivity patterns an important issue. In the former F-1, a portion of the condenser lens was coated with a beamsplitting reflective surface to obtain a selective-area metering pattern (approximately 12% of the frame). The New F-1 developed a completely new optical technique which minimizes the disadvantages and emphasizes the advantages of metering sensitivity patterns.


    Micro-beam splitter (MBS) provides multiple metering patterns


    The focusing screen units of the New F-1 system are quite complex. Each consists of a focusing screen, a light-gathering plate, and a condenser lens. The principal element of the light-gathering plate is the new microbeam splitter.


    The development of this special grating and beam splitter coating gives the New F-1 the unique ability to provide multiple metering sensitivity patterns through interchangeable focusing screens. And personally, I admire Canon's effort for trying out in a general and relatively disgarded area in the focusing screen and it is amazing to see so much technologies packed inside these to make it works.



    The micro-beam splitter (MBS) consists of two thin, transparent plastic sheets bonded together. A wedge-shaped grating is formed at the bonded surface. A beam-splitter coating covers the grating and directs most of the light toward the eyepiece. However, some light is reflected back to the photocell (see above). When this light strikes the flat surfaces of the light-gathering plate, it is reflected repeatedly until it reaches the SPC photocell. This system is known as the focal plane metering system, due to the position of the SPC photocell. Only the portion of the focusing screen covered by the MBS and MBS coating is used to calculate exposure. It follows that by expanding or contracting this portion, the metering area can be changed. It is this principle upon which all the New F-1's interchangeable focusing screens are constructed. The screens are available with three different metering sensitivity patterns, namely center-weighted average metering, selective-area metering, and spot metering. ALL these basic info will lead you to another page, contain and outlining the detail descriptions of how these special focusing screen works, technically.


    Modern Classic SLRs Series :

    Canon New F-1 - The New 32 Focusing Screens


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    Suitable for general photography with all lenses. Fast and accurate focusing is achieved using the central microprism rangefinder set in a matte/fresnel field.


    A plain screen with matte/fresnel field and clear matte. Suitable for those who are accustomed to focusing with the matte area. Particularly effective for macro and telephoto photography. All three metering patterns available.


    The standard screen for the New F-1. Fast, accurate focusing is achieved with the split-image, microprism, or matte field depending on the subject or your own preference.


    A highly versatile screen with a splitimage center spot. Suitable for all lenses. The double echelette microprism eliminates darkening even when a slow lens is used.

    A special screen designed to aid horizontal and vertical picture alignment in architectural photography or copy work. Etched crosslines forming 7mm squares serve as guidelines for aligning the subject and for double exposures. Usable with all lenses, particularly the TS35mm (Tilt and Shift) Lens.

    An excellent choice if your photography is mainly with shorter lenses. A sharper prism angle facilitates focusing with high speed (f/1.2 to f/2.8) lenses.


    Similar to F, but for slower maximum apertures of about f/3.5 to f/5.6. Especially suited to long zooms and super-telephotos as it does not incur prism darkening.

    Together with the Bright Laser Matte K, the brightest screens of the system. The screen is especially effective with 50mm to 200mm lenses and dark subjects or when using small working apertures. Available in all three metering patterns.

    A unique screen which divides the subject not only vertically, but also in the horizontal plane. The subject is in focus when the four quarters merge to become one unbroken image. For all lenses.

    This screen was specially designed for high-magnification applications such as photomicrography and photomacrography when using bellows and extension tubes. Fine matte center in an overall matte field. Gradations on vertical/horizontal lines and around the edges help to determine the size of the subject. Usable with all lenses.

    An extremely bright screen which offers the same unobstructed, sharp image as the Bright Laser Matte J. Recommended for 300mm telephoto lenses, or longer. Also suitable for photomacrography and close-up work. Darkening is absent even when the lens is stopped down.

    The screen for those in the publishing and advertising fields. Engrayed 2mm crosses in the corners facilitate cropping and reproduction of A and B size materials.

    Well suited for applications requiring high magnifications such as photomicrography and astrophotography. The screen features a 5mm-diameter center spot with cross-hair reticle in a fine matte field. To focus, move your eye from left to right. Pinpoint focus is attained when the hairs remain in the same position on the subject.



    Modern Classic SLRs Series :

    Canon New F-1 - The New 32 Focusing Screens


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    Suitable for general photography with all lenses. Fast and accurate focusing is achieved using the central microprism rangefinder set in a matte/fresnel field.


    A plain screen with matte/fresnel field and clear matte. Suitable for those who are accustomed to focusing with the matte area. Particularly effective for macro and telephoto photography. All three metering patterns available.


    The standard screen for the New F-1. Fast, accurate focusing is achieved with the split-image, microprism, or matte field depending on the subject or your own preference.


    A highly versatile screen with a splitimage center spot. Suitable for all lenses. The double echelette microprism eliminates darkening even when a slow lens is used.

    A special screen designed to aid horizontal and vertical picture alignment in architectural photography or copy work. Etched crosslines forming 7mm squares serve as guidelines for aligning the subject and for double exposures. Usable with all lenses, particularly the TS35mm (Tilt and Shift) Lens.

    An excellent choice if your photography is mainly with shorter lenses. A sharper prism angle facilitates focusing with high speed (f/1.2 to f/2.8) lenses.


    Similar to F, but for slower maximum apertures of about f/3.5 to f/5.6. Especially suited to long zooms and super-telephotos as it does not incur prism darkening.

    Together with the Bright Laser Matte K, the brightest screens of the system. The screen is especially effective with 50mm to 200mm lenses and dark subjects or when using small working apertures. Available in all three metering patterns.

    A unique screen which divides the subject not only vertically, but also in the horizontal plane. The subject is in focus when the four quarters merge to become one unbroken image. For all lenses.

    This screen was specially designed for high-magnification applications such as photomicrography and photomacrography when using bellows and extension tubes. Fine matte center in an overall matte field. Gradations on vertical/horizontal lines and around the edges help to determine the size of the subject. Usable with all lenses.

    An extremely bright screen which offers the same unobstructed, sharp image as the Bright Laser Matte J. Recommended for 300mm telephoto lenses, or longer. Also suitable for photomacrography and close-up work. Darkening is absent even when the lens is stopped down.

    The screen for those in the publishing and advertising fields. Engrayed 2mm crosses in the corners facilitate cropping and reproduction of A and B size materials.

    Well suited for applications requiring high magnifications such as photomicrography and astrophotography. The screen features a 5mm-diameter center spot with cross-hair reticle in a fine matte field. To focus, move your eye from left to right. Pinpoint focus is attained when the hairs remain in the same position on the subject.








  4. not surprised he struck out, his eyes are closed! i have hundreds of these shots , usually with the little kids in little league with their eyes closed. once they learn to keep their eyes on the ball, they start hitting some.


    maybe he was dreaming of hitting one over the fence...


    great shot!

  5. I own one of these in fantastic condition and didn't want any one else in the family to put their bugger pickers on it so I ordered another some years ago, it came in and was even better than the original so I kept it for a spare, ordered another for the family and it too was too nice to give up, well I ended up with 5 of these, doing this! The lens is that good that I wanted to have a life time supply without the do it yourselfers working on it prior to me buying it. I didn't see any for the low price that the above poster suggested but if you see one at that price, jump on it!

    My daughter is now in her second year of photography at the high school that she goes to so I guess she will have a nice zoom to use when she gets ready for it. For outdoor work this lens is really fine! Be sure to get the associated lens hood.





    Pelican cases come in a great variety of sizes and colors although the most common color is black. My Nikonos Underwater camera has a pelican case in orange for high visibility.


    Pelican cases are made of light weight space-age structural resin, are o-ring sealed, and are equipped with an atmospheric purge valve. They are ?guaranteed unbreakable,? air-tight and water-tight, and corrosion proof.


    The small size are relitively inexpensive but the cost goes up dramatically with the size. Pelican has an advertisement where they have several of the large size cases loaded with equipment being pulled behind a kayak or canoe.


    They float and are really great cases.

  7. Kim, look at the following site for the difusion panels.




    Using these, you can still use your existing lights and have an INFINATE sizes of 'softbox' lighting. You DON'T need to throw money at this for great results, just look at the accomplishments of Scott on his site as well as his results. He also has books available which i have purchased from him at some of his seminars. Great stuff!

  8. First off, take a look at the Prijon Kodiak, unless you already have the kayak.




    The bow storage is much much larger than the Tempest. I have half dozen kayaks of various types and the Kayak you're describing is definately not for river running in rapids. I took one of my sea kayaks down a river once with a group of boy scouts while they used my river and play kayaks and i'd never do that again, it was very dangerous using a sea kayak in fast moving meandering river. If you plan to use it in flat water then you'll have a great time.

    i don't take my high dollar cameras and lenses in the sea kayaks but do take some type and store it in a very small Pelican box in the cockpit with me. I have even taken a Nikonus V underwater camera with the 85 lens, (i think, its 85.)

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