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Image Comments posted by dangoldman

  1. hey, i used to live not to far from you, in fort washington!


    as for the picture, i would suggest perhaps a slighter, one stop, faster. i think that may give better definition in the center of the cloud. other than that, play around with the color curves or values. I dont know what programs canon gave you with that camera, but digital photo pro is a great tool which lets you do that. if you dont have it, you can get it off of their website somewhere... i think under software for the cameras. by playing with the curves you can bring out colors that may make the rays more visible and 'pop' out more, if this is your goal.


    however, i really cant give any real direct help, its a good over all picture.



    you know daniel... i think you are 100% right. "if only" i had gotten lower i could have gotten a far better shot. well, ther's always next year.


    livin' 'n learnin', what its all about i think.



    these guys let me get within about 50ft of them allowing me to get

    some great shots.


    comments and critique are always appreciated.



    yeah, i think i agree with you. the f16 shows up as a blob on a normal monitor and it really should have been adjusted differently. So again, i'll pull the exuse of trying to blot out background clutter by making it dark.


    thanks for the comment.



    really no clue how to classify this. Got off at the wrong exit and

    found a whole bunch of fire. Apparently it was a fire show, which is

    exactly what it sounds like.


    This thing was glowing red how but the flash iluminated it whiter

    though than it actually was. There'll be a couple more in my

    portfolio from different displays if you're interested.


    comments and critique are always appreciated.

    Nose Halo


    if viewed on a computer with a very bright screen where the

    background may be visible then i will understand a low rating, but

    please state if that is the reason. Of course for any low rating i

    like comments though, thats the way to learn rather than guessing.


    comments and critique are always appreciated.



    the only thing i can suggest for sharpening is to leave it a little softer. also, get digital photo pro from canon and do RAW sharpening, i think that helps a lot. other than that, i dont really know what to suggest. i dont have photoshop so i dont know if you can do raw sharpening or not, nor to suggest how to use it.


    reguardless, it is a nice photo.

  2. yeah, thats true. They do pop out nicely against that sky.


    oh yeah, my alarm was sleeping under one all night and dreaming of morning to leave... the wooshing and the generator sound grow old... fast.

    thanks for the complement on my photo's.

  3. those things are awesome arent they? very neat to see up close. i actually have a couple shots of my own which i got in very early morning... very early.


    i agree with the other comment though, you need some clouds, or something dramatic to make it 'pop'.



    this is a crop of a photo i posted a while back. I was wondering what

    you all think of this one vs the full size crop.


    comments and critique are always appreciated.

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