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Posts posted by d_gillespie

  1. Take responsibility, complete responsibility.


    I know this is piling on, but maybe others who read can avoid these type of mistakes in the future. All of the HD recovery ideas listed should be explored - at your expense, not the B&G.


    I agree that this is your responsibility. The verbal contract you have is just as legal as one written on paper and signed in ink (or blood, but thats too dramatic). Most jurisdictions will apply the industry standards and professional conduct clauses generally accepted in your location to a verbal agreement, since there is no memorialized written one. Most pro contracts have clauses that cover such eventualities with specific remedies that are spelled out with regard to remedies.


    I would hope you will be upfront with the clients and explain the problem and your solution, I would not ask them for money to solve your mistake. I would also consider offering to shoot portraits of the wedding party should the recovery not prove successful.


    Sloppy work leads to bad reputations and those a hard to overcome.


    Hopefully you and others can learn from this mistake.

  2. Fast sports cars that I can afford.

    Exclusive country clubs that want me for a member.

    Professional sports teams who want me for head coach.

    Lingerie companies who want to hire me for location/ catalog work.

    Airlines that will fly me to Europe (1st Class of course) for less than $500.

    Twin masted sail boats for under $20,000 that are seaworthy.


    I can go own but its hard to type with the tears in my eyes from so many unrealized dreams.


    Merry Christmas, maybe Santa can help you with some fast glass.

  3. This seems to be as more common occurrence. Or at least common enough to prompt several posts over the past few months here on PN. There are lots of threads of similar stories here and it seems to fall back to the language of the signed contract, the ability to re-book the date, the relationship with the client (B&G) the need for the work, the local community opinions, etc. Be professional, always maintain respect for the client, adhere to the contract, keep a paper trail, be consistent. Always follow up phone conversations with an email or old fashioned letter (the kind with paper and a stamp.


    Best of luck.

  4. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A model release, known in similar contexts as a liability waiver, is a legal document typically signed by the subject of a photograph granting the photographer permission to publish the photograph in one form or another. The legal rights of the signatories in reference to the material is thereafter subject to the allowances and restrictions stated in the release, and also possibly in exchange for compensation paid to the photographed.


    Publishing an identifiable photo of a person without a model release signed by that person can result in civil liability for the photographer.


    Note that the issue of model release forms and liability waivers is a legal area related to privacy and is separate from copyright. Also, the need for model releases pertains to public use of the photos: i.e., publishing them, commercially or not. The act of taking a photo of someone in a public setting without a model release, or of viewing or noncommercially showing such a photo in private, generally does not create legal exposure, at least in the United States.


    The legal issues surrounding model releases are complex and vary by jurisdiction. Photographers working in areas of concern should consult specialized references or professionals to better understand their rights and responsibilities.


    Regardless of legal issues, taking someone's picture without his/her permission may be considered impolite and may provoke an hostile response, so the photographer should take such matters into consideration and ask permission if appropriate.


    Cited from Dan Heller's website/ Wikipedia

  5. Can you come by and shoot the bridal shower on your way to the parent's luncheon and the day before you take some shots of the Groomsman's golf outing? Its is clearly your choice, but it can become a slippery slope of a few extra hours to get into a nicer neighborhood of clients. Respect you own time and work and your clients will as well.


    A lawyer doesn't often "throw-in" a will and testament when helping clients with a real estate transaction just to get better clients, or if they do they don't tell anyone about it.


    Value your time, expect your clients to respect your time.

  6. Both creative and critical people tend to be more aware of the exceptions rather than the "norms". I submit that when attempting research the choice should be made to include as many normal parameters as negative. List of photographers who did not take illicit drugs or photographers with stable home lives as well as troubled, twisted, starving artists. We can more easily see the errors in a large photograph and miss entirely the purity of the presented scene.


    Here at PN you can run through thousands of images read the critiques to see the negative comments. Do we take as seriously the comment that an image is stunning with the same validity as a detailed comment on the underexposed right side of the model's face? It seems we see the exceptions.


    Do any of us remember the name of the police officer shot in the movie theater in Dallas while authorities searched for JFK's killer? We all remember Lee Harvey's middle name, I'll bet.


    To me it does not seem a possible or even a fair evaluation to base an opinion on those exceptional stories as having more value, input or influence over the creative process on those "Notable" photographers if it does not include a similar percentage of the general population who are not affected by those forces.


    Is there a reliable estimate of the percentage of photographers (for this discussions sake) who fall into the OP's category? If we can not establish that there exists a larger percentage )thanthe general population) based on an agreed model then we can simple enjoy the anecdotal discussions here for what they are - personal opinions and observations into the lives of the exceptions.

  7. Focus, Passion, dedication. The drive in some is seem as consuming, almost frightening to those outside. It does not require an illness or defect to reach certain levels of focus that many artist require to produce their work. It can be a curse or a gift depending on the individual and their circumstances. I have worked with several people who have both a creative spirit as well as a diagnosed mental illness. I can assure those whom I know would trade their profound creativity for a healthy mental state - in a second.


    Absolutely, without question a person can create transcendent works with what you call a wholesome mental state. I am not sure what a "screwed up" life is, since it is fairly difficult to define a universal idea of normal.


    Some have written that the absence of relationships can afford some more time to devote to a passion, it can also give someone drive to prove their worth independent of others.

  8. If you like this forum great, enjoy and share your knowledge. If you don't cheers to you and I hope you find a new one. Much of what looks like snippy remarks or mean spirited comments are directed at folks who are too lazy to research their problem and roll into the forum asking a question that has been completely covered and at times it congests the more original threads. I also think making statements as to what is or is not :good, artistic, pretty, the best way to do something, the best printer, cameras etc. is also a big frustration for "regulars" here.


    If you feel photography is a glorified hobby then that is your opinion - do not be surprised that is may not be shared by all those who visit.


    We are what we are - warts and all.

  9. The unfortunate simple answer is that it is almost impossible to completely protect your images. Copyrights are important, but understand those are not copy protection in the sense that viewers are unable to download or screen capture an image posted on your site or any other. A copyright is simple a statement that establishes some ownership over an image that is protected against unauthorized use through legal action.


    To avoid having your shots end up in the lawless cyber stock room of posted images, don't post them. Stay analog with only gallery shows.


    Its a risk we all take for the ability to show our work to the world for free. There will always be people who want something for nothing, they are called criminals and sadly they seem to be ahead of all the rest in terms of technology.

  10. The only question is... how heavy is a 10' or 12' roll of canvas? The answer requires the specs on the canvas and how long it is. A call to/ or search on the web sites for canvas suppliers will give you that.


    Are you asking for help in deciding between the Photoflex and Studio Dynamics?


    Take a moment to help us help you.

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