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Posts posted by d_gillespie

  1. As the photographer they bear the ultimate responsibility for the image. But, utilizing the expertise of others specialists in no way reduces or diminishes the image or "taints" the results. Having people assist with photography is nothing new.


    Your questions... Has anyone heard of this? Yes.


    Doesn't it seem strange to hire the same person? No, that's why they are called experts.


    As to weather or not you feel like you are being "put on" I can't help you there.


    As a creative process photography requires - in many cases, but certainly not all - the assistance of many people besides the photographer. Think of a recording artist. There are technicians assisting in the final result, but we only think of the singer.


    We admire a new building, know the name of the architect, but perhaps weren't aware of the hundreds of other who participated in the design process.


    Same with motion pictures.


    Brining the best people in to work with you on a project gives you access to so many other possibilities but you are the one who will make the decision, you don't have to take the experts advice.

  2. Looks like a workhorse. Does the Motherboard allow for more RAM. That seems the only upgrade that may cause you to open this box up in the next few years. RAM seems the one thing we all need more of in these graphic machines. Any consideration on RAID drives? I don't know where your budget is on the monitor but if it has some room, you may also consider the NEC LCD2190Uxi. It rates a bit higher but it also has a higher price tag. I wonder why that is?
  3. Will you have any access to a high speed connection? Would an FTP site allow you to clean your cards and then work on the files when ever/ where ever you are. The Hyperdrive would make another backup, you don't mention how you currently archive, so its a bit tricky.
  4. Ditto, Ditto, good advice above. The marketing folks at Nikon have gotten to your coffee. The test folks and the research folks can not find people who can tell the difference between the 8, 10 and 12 MP shots when enlarged up to 20" x30". You portfolio work is sharp and clear. What advantages are you expecting with the change? I work with a shooter who has the D2X as his primary and I often shoot his D200 backup. We cannot see the difference on the screen or printed photographs.


    I would invest the money in lenses, thats were you will see dramatic differences.

  5. Always a tuff one. I have a pair of winter golf gloves. Mine are black and made of thick synthetic leather - but still very dexterous. I took a razor knife and cut all of the advertising logos off - there were lots and they work pretty well. I also have a pair of large mittens I keep clipped to my belt and I stuff "hot-hands" in those so I can quickly warm up without having to take one pair off. I just shove the gloved hands in the mits and Ahhhh. Winter shooting in my wife's home country of Poland is very different than here in AL. My most challenging frustration is my eyes water in the cold weather, its like I am crying and that makes focusing a challenge.


    Good luck.

  6. I would suggest picking up a few of the bridal magazines and check those out. Be careful, most weigh over 20 pounds, so maybe pick up one at a time. Brides see some of the advertising photographs and want their albums to look as good. Managing expectations may be a better goal than trying to discover what Brides want.
  7. I am struggling with the EXIT sign. I am trying to decide if its a distraction or some sort of statement. Nice composition, the DOF must be difficult with the light levels and lens. I think you might have more responses if you posted this to the regular critique forum.
  8. Here in Dixie, if the model is over 18,the photographer can witness the signature. It may be different in other states. BTW Make copies!!! I usually take a photo of the model holding his/ her driver's license with their face visible, just for extra CYA factor. I have never had a problem, just heard some stories.
  9. It sounds like that pool party could be the culprit. It takes only a very small amount of moisture. When you say the lens fogged, was that external condensation due to temperature and humidity from the pool area or internal fog? Did you change lenses in a high humidity area? I guess it doesn't matter now anyway, were they able to take care of the problem?
  10. I have felt that many engaging photographs that I enjoy the perspective is different. Not always higher or lower, but different from eye level and to me that small adjustment can have a real impact on an image. One of our "dirty little secrets" as photographers is taking pictures from places, areas, elevations that others can't or won't be able to reach. How many pairs of pants have been stained after a wedding shot, or football game. I have struggled with the waist level view finders myself, but I enjoy the work of others who use them.
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