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robert goldstein

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Image Comments posted by robert goldstein

    milleniums ...

    This image is proof that a photo does not have to be sharp to be excellent. The blurriness imparts a surrealistic quality that would not otherwise have been present.

    What's up?

    ...except for the blue eye, which overwhelms the rest of the image. This may have been the effect that you wanted, but I feel that it actually detracts from an otherwise fantastic photo.

    The boys


    Is it rude to express strongly held feelings about a man who has sent tens of thousands of people to their deaths in an imperialist war waged for the sake of oil and an unsound theory of spreading democracy. The smug, superior expression which seems permanently afixed to his face actually does make me physically sick. And I don't believe for one moment that the war in Iraq is making me or any other Americans safer. In fact, just the opposite is true, as Arab nationalists and radical Muslims are drawn towards what they consider to be a holy war against the United States. Contrary to the untruths spread by the Bush administration, Iraq has not heretofore been a haven for terrorists. Unfortunately, the Iraqi resistance is quickly learning the art of terror and guerilla warfare, much to the detriment of our troops over there.


    None of this had to happen; the United States and Britain, in a fit of hubris fed by startling ignorance, brought it upon their own heads--and Iraqi heads too. Donald Rumsfeld was one of the major actors pushing the whole process forward.


    Rummy for president? Maybe that would be a form of divine punishment for the US.



    I like this very much and would like to see a B&W version. Cropping slightly at the bottom and on the right takes the subject out of dead center and also removes some of the overly blurry foreground.

    Playing dominoes

    When I first viewed this photo on my monitor at work, I thought that the shadows on the left side of the face were too dark. Now that I have the chance to see it on a better monitor at home, I find the shadowing to be fine. It is one of you better photos.

    The Box!

    A much overused word truly applies in this case. The viewer gets the feeling that both he and the surfer are about to be swallowed up by the wave.



    This is a very striking and beautiful image, definitely POW material. You have achieved extraordinary balance between the two halves of the frame in terms of light/dark and human figure/sand-tree.


    BTW, your entire portfolio is excellent.

    Emma 1

    A sweet child, no doubt, but the obvious flash reflections off her face give the impression that she is standing in front of a picture of Lake Powell, not the actual lake.
  1. Most sunrise/sunset photos are little more than colorful cliches, but this one is definitely not. Its blast-furnace colors silhouetting a lovely tree are a real eye-opener.
  2. Wonderful idea placing the buildings at the very bottom and showing a huge expanse of sky with wonderful clouds. Perfect ligthing and exposure, as well. The panoramic aspect ratio also lends power.
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