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Giangiorgio Crisponi

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Giangiorgio Crisponi

  1. From the album: MACRO and CLOSEUP by Crisponi

    Ants drinking a drop of honey. I propose these photos taken years ago and which are among my favorite macros. One day a drop of honey fell on the floor on my balcony and several little ants gathered around to feed on it. I took the cue and set up a white card with different types of honey, after a while many little ants gathered around to eat. I photographed these ants drinking a drop of honey with Pentax*ist DS, Dental macro lens with ring flash and 2x add-on lens, f/22, 1/80sec, ISO 200. Thanks for your comments
  2. Bravo Randolph, excellent portrait ofthis beautiful Kingfisher, ciao Giangiorgio
  3. Bravo Pierre, you have chosen the perfect time to obtain this beautiful lighting, which clearly highlights all the architectural details of these buildings, as always a great job, ciao Giangiorgio
  4. with your 12mm you got this beautiful ultra wide image, with a good symmetry given by the arrows on the road and by the two road signs, good definition of the buildings and cranes, the blue sky is fantastic, ciao Giangiorgio
  5. I'm sure Pierre that Michael will greatly appreciate this magnificent abstract work of yours, they are all beautiful works very well done, masterpieces to be proudly displayed, ciao Giangiorgio
  6. Grazie mille Pierre for this charming tribute. A stunning artistic background for this beautiful surrealistic beach covered with magnificent seashells in perfect sharpness. A true masterpiece to exhibit, ciao Giangiorgio
  7. I have looked at this image for a long time wondering if it is an abstract work or the interior of a building with a particular lighting. It is an image that makes you linger and invites the eye to explore every detail, Bravo Pierre you always amaze us, P.S. I still don't quite understand how this new Phot.net works. Your notes and advice have helped me a lot, but my digital skills perhaps because I'm almost 82 years old are very limited. Today if you go to look at the macro gallery an old photo of a flying insect of mine appears, which I have not posted recently but years ago and which even clicking on it does not open, I wonder why it is there? ciao Giangiorgio
  8. At first glance I thought of a photo taken with a flash that left that light reflected between the two scales, then I read your note and I realized that it is a montage , very well thought out and done with extreme skill, Bravo Pierre, ciao Giangiorgio
  9. An excellent resolution with a finesse of details obtained with the flatbed scanner, the lighting brings out the three-dimensionality of the coin, ciao Giangiorgio
  10. Many thanks Marc for your visit and for your kind appreciated comment, ciao Giangiorgio
  11. Another beautiful city image for your magnificent Urban&Rural album. The tree in the foreground stands out so well that it has a three-dimensional look, ciao Giangiorgio
  12. Many thanks Blues2you for your visit and kind appeciated comment, ciao Giangiorgio
  13. Pierre, I used the Nikon SB 910 flash in remote control mode, held up about 50 cm slightly backlit, controlled by the built-in flash. ciao Giangiorgio
  14. Caper flower - (Capparis spinosa) - I photographed this caper flower with Nikon D300s, Sigma macro 105mm, f/22, 1/60sec, ISO 250. Thanks for your comments.
  15. Caper flower - (Capparis spinosa) - I photographed this caper flower with Nikon D300s, Sigma macro 105mm, f/22, 1/60sec, ISO 250. Thanks for your comments.
  16. Pierre, It's always a marvel to observe your abstract artistic images, this one on a black background, stands out like a backlit stained glass window, great job, ciao Giangiorgio
  17. An image that immediately attracts the eye of the observer for its impressive sharpness and perfectly lit, it is a pity not to be able to enlarge it further. ciao Giangiorgio P.S. Dear Pierre, I saw that you made new albums that appear within specific galleries. I also tried to make an album on Wildlife but it doesn't open inside the Wildlife gallery but between the Member albums. Can you explain to me how you managed to create an album within the category? or move the already created album inside the category?Grazie
  18. Giangiorgio Crisponi


    An image that immediately attracts the eye of the observer for its impressive sharpness and perfectly lit, it is a pity not to be able to enlarge it further. ciao Giangiorgio P.S. Dear Pierre, I saw that you made new albums that appear within specific galleries. I also tried to make an album on Wildlife but it doesn't open inside the Wildlife gallery but between the Member albums. Can you explain to me how you managed to create an album within the category? or move the already created album inside the category?Grazie
  19. Very nice image well composed, I like the pose of the bird, ciao Giangiorgio
  20. A beautiful portrait with a good soft light on the face, you caught your typical expression with a penetrating gaze that apparently inspires fear, but for those who know you, under this severe gaze, there is a sensitive soul, ciao Giangiorgio
  21. Grazie mille Charles, your beautiful comments are always welcome, ciao Giangiorgio
  22. Charles, many thanks for your visit and appreciated comment, I am glad you liked it, ciao Giangiorgio
  23. Giangiorgio Crisponi

    always wary

    Very nice image, the bird stands out very sharp from the blurred background, ciao Giangiorgio
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