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Giangiorgio Crisponi

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Giangiorgio Crisponi

  1. For Pierre Dumas - Ultra wide - Seagulls against the background of a double rainbow- I photographed an hour ago, from my window, these seagulls flying against the background of a double rainbow. As you can see, the second rainbow has inverted colors, Nikon d500, nikon 12-24mm, f/4, 1/1000, ISO 220. Thanks for your comments
  2. Dear Pierre , I have posted a new photo in the Wildlife album, take a look, ciao Giangiorgio

  3. Flamingos in Wedding Parade - ( Phoenicopterus roseus) - I photographed these flamingos in the lagoons of Cagliari, during a wedding parade with the last rays of the setting sun. Nikon D850, Sigma Spèort 150-600mm, f/10, !71250 sec, ISO 1000. Thank you for your comments
  4. Giangiorgio Crisponi


    A beautiful portrait of Sasha in a winter version, ciao Giangiorgio
  5. Another very nice ultra-wide image with saturated colors and very well detailed, with the usual beautiful blue sky, good job as always, ciao Giangiorgio
  6. Thank you so much Pierre for dedicating this wonderful abstract artwork to me. Any modern image created with CT scan or magnetic resonance cannot compete with this image in terms of aesthetics and beauty. Your creativity has no limits and this time you have outdone yourself, ciao Giangiorgio
  7. A very beautiful image, tone on tone the colors of the robin with the background, excellent details of the plumage, ciao Giangiorgio
    A different version of the Skopje Archaeological Museum, this time in an ultra-wide version. The image is very sharp with saturated colors, excellent lighting, I like the blue sky against which the winter version of the tree branches stand out clearly. Bravo Pierre is always a pleasure to admire your beautiful photos, ciao Giangiorgio
  8. Dear Pierre, thank you very much for your note which explained well what you wanted to represent and which I didn't know how to interpret well, ciao Giangiorgio
  9. In this interesting image you wanted to represent the transition period between the old socialist state towards parliamentary democracy. In the image there are the symbols of the old, with the red star and the sickle and the hammer and the evolution towards an economic liberalization with the symbol of dollar and easy riches. It is more difficult for me to understand the meaning of the wall with the skulls, present in the Mayan and Aztec cultures, but also present in Niš in Serbia as a warning from the Ottoman Empire to stop the revolts. Even the figure in the foreground with the open book puzzles me, is it a statue of the old regime or does it have another meaning? Nonetheless, a great job that kept you busy, ciao Giangiorgio
  10. Giangiorgio Crisponi


    Wonderful, B&W works well here, ciao Giangiorgio
  11. A beautiful ultra wide photograph, sharp and full of details, excellent lighting and contrast, ciao Giangiorgio
  12. Flamingo Wedding Parade. (Phoenicoptreus roseus) I photographed these flamingos in the lagoons of Cagliari during the wedding parade for the choice of the partner. The dance consists of various figures, this one called Wing-Salute consists of extending the neck upwards, chest out and spreading the wings to show the flaming red and black colour. The subject that is more colorful is more likely to be chosen. Nikon D850, Sigma super telephoto 300-800mm, f/8, 1/3200sec, ISO 280. Thank you for your comments
  13. A very beautiful image of this church, if I remember correctly, dedicated to Mother Teresa. Excellent succession of all these geometric figures, perfect contrast and saturated colors, great work as you know how to do, ciao Giangiorgio
  14. A new point of view of this already known road, despite the accompanying note it is still a wide vision, well composed and very clear with good lighting, Bravo Pierre, ciao Giangiorgio
  15. Dear Pierre , I opened this photograph of yours but I see that I can only add a comment , it is not possible to give you a score nor is it possible to open the review, this new Photo net is disappointing me , in the previous one you had the possibility to immediately see the new photographs, check the ones with the most comments and the most views, the initials of the names confuse me and I can't immediately understand who the author is. This photograph that you put on Rural represents a single-family building with its own symmetry and is divided into four levels, good light and definition, good job as always, ciao Giangiorgio
  16. Giangiorgio Crisponi

    Winter colors

    I like the contrast between the warm color of the grass with the cold winter colors, ciao Giangiorgio
  17. This beautiful ultra wide image presents a city view that I didn't know yet, as always an excellent lighting that highlights the architectural details, the fantastic blue sky cannot be missing, ciao Giangiorgio
  18. Grazie mille Pierre for your beautiful appreciated comment, ciao Giangiorgio
  19. Saint Valentine's Day - ( Phoenicopterus roseus). I photographed these two flamingos facing each other, in the lagoons of Cagliari, with Nikon D300s, Sigma super telephoto 300-800mm, f/9, 1/800sec, ISO 250. Thanks for your comments.
  20. Giangiorgio Crisponi

    ? Arowana Fry

    A beautiful image of this kingfisher with its prey, resting on a colorful lotus bud, an unusual image, Bravo Randolph, ciao Giangiorgio
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