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Everything posted by inoneeye

  1. “A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the front door, the host said ‘I love your pictures – they’re wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.’ ~He said nothing until dinner was finished, then:~ ‘That was a wonderful dinner; you must have a terrific Stove.'” Sam Haskins
  2. “There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment. This kind of photography is realism. But realism is not enough — there has to be vision, and the two together can make a good photograph.” - Robert Frank -
  3. inoneeye


    pedestrian median with lights reflecting after rain
  4. Good point, on point. It was through my browsing of books, collections and editing my own work recently that I saw the importance I placed on gesture and emotion. Curating put me in a different mindset than shooting.. Usually when shooting I am at best in the moment letting my gut take over. As editor-curator I think about connections, notes, rhythms, movement …. thank you Sam! A question that always has me dumbfounded and mumbling is “what do you photograph, what style?”
  5. The fotofora site is friendly, enthusiastic and positive. Thanks PT.
  6. No doubt IF technical quality is your goal then a mobile camera is not the best first choice. The small sensor and lenses have limits. Obvious pixels, haloing contrast, poor gradations…. And digital zooming is often ugly. The expansion depth of field on a mobile phone is a ‘bokeh’ lovers obstacle. The compact sensor is often dreaded most when enlarged. All very solid reasons to not appreciate a phone for making photos. 😘 but. aside from the obvious benefits many claim for having a camera on your phone I find the limitations I listed inspiring for me to shoot in new ways. I have loved shooting Polaroids, plastic cameras, pinhole, large format, intstamatic, expired film, etc. ALL have limitations and all have taught me new ways to see and put to use these limitations. 👁️
  7. ".I feel old, like the time I was at the burger stand and the cashier called "number 8 6 7" and a I yelled "5 3 2 9" you should've tried yelling 5 3 0 9! 😊 the memory is the first to go...
  8. Regarding the journey… the mobile phone has taken me to new places offering new ways of seeing, interacting and expressing myself. I have been able to expand my photographic vocabulary and that is rewarding. As a tool the iPhone is unique. I am sure most photographers have A favorite and a least preferable camera to look at and handle, (besides the one we have with us). I have several favorites- but for a long time now I prefer the ‘one’ that best expresses what I am seeing, want to see in the moment.
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