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kevin cassar

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Image Comments posted by kevin cassar

    Sunnie 09

    Fantastic photo of a very beautiful girl. I can't give you much advice on the technical side since I am a beginner in these terms. What I can say though is that the beautiful face coupled with the captivating look in her eyes made it had for me to look at anything else. And with a body like hers I think that's a huge statement. Congratulations for your capture and thanks for sharing this beauty.

    my baby

    Hey that's cheating!!! How can anyone notice a background when there's a cute little angel in the frame!!! She must be your pride and joy.

    Red Dragon Fly

    It seems like the focus is on the stem rather than on the eyes of the dragonfly. Wonder if this was intentional. Still a good photo though as dragonflies are not easy to capture. Can you give us more details on the photo like focal length, aperture and speed. You see I'm thinking about getting me a D200 and am looking out for shots taken with this model. Thanks

    Small Bee

    While not detracting anything from this shot, I have to point out that this is not a bee but a fly (which resembles a bee).
  1. The only pity in this photo is that the (drugged) bull missed the beast. And I'm refering to the one on the horse. I know everyone has the right to an opinion but killing (and especially unnecessary killing) is not a nice thing in anyone's book. I choose not to rate.

    jOSE ADAME 1

    Some "men" think it's macho to wear a silly costume and slaughter a well drugged animal. The only photos of this kind that I appreciate are the ones where the bull wins.

    Paper wasp on nest


    This one, I had a hard time trying to shoot as it would not stay

    still or come out in the open where I could get a better

    composition. At least the focus was ok. What do you think?

  2. Your photo of this wasp is very sharp and very close. I wonder how you managed to get so close to it since wasps are very sensitive and usually don't let you get very close to them. I've seen the rest of the photos and this is my favourite both in terms of sharpness and composition. I don't think we have this kind of wasp over here...at least I've never seen one. Well done and thanks for looking at mine.

    Sofia 1

    What more can I say that has not been said???? Hmmm.... ok..... Can I borrow the model for a week?? LOL. Honestly the photo's at least a 6 in my book and the model's a 10. There's a really lucky husband out there!!!!

    Bee Killer

    Thanks Jim for the insight. You were spot on! This is a Robber fly also known as Assassin Fly and Bee Killer. The latter is exactly what's happening in my photo as upon close inspection (and the given knowledge) the victim is a bee. Where do you get this knowledge from?

    Bee Killer


    Strange looking insect. Not sure if it's looking after the little

    one or if it's gonna eat it? Does anyone know? Do you know what

    species it is?

  3. Great macro close up shot of this insect. Looks almost unreal in yellow as if it was made of plastic. Interesting to note the three simple (like bees at the top of the head) are very evident. I invite you to have a look at my photos if you have the time. Well done
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