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kevin cassar

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Image Comments posted by kevin cassar

  1. I agree with the previous comment. Most of the time when you shoot and insect and you get something unexpected in the shot, it adds to the photo. In a strange and unfortunate way this does not. Still a good capture though. By the way the unwanted rider is a fly and not a mosquito.

    nearly a day old:)

    I know the feeling and can fully understand what you mean by happy. I have just had my first baby on October 15. Take a look at mine if you have the time. Keep on shooting. They grow up so quickly!!!

    Crazy Cute Face!

    Wonderful!!! Babies are already the cutest thing let alone when they have funny expressions like the one you skillfuly managed to capture. Impressive sharpness on the eyes, good DOF. Well done.


    Fantastic. Very original. Sharpness is incredible and composition is perfect IMHO. Since I own a D200, I'd love to know the technical details of the shot and any post processing done. Just can't understand how anyone can give a 3 rating, but it's very common at photo.net

    orwo 2

    Beautiful photo. Lovely girl and a very good pensive expression. Makes me wonder what she's thinking. Lighting is good too and I think B&W works here.
  2. I like this shot for it's composition and originality. It's quite an unnatural pose. I'm not sure if I'd like to see a little more of the right leg; maybe just a little edge. I'm also curious about the clear vertical line: is it the lighting? and if so was it intentionally left in the photo? Anyway this is just a beginner's view. The overall result is pleasing.
  3. This is an excellent collection of this very interesting moth. I can really appreciate your work because I know how fast these little creatures move from one flower to another. I have one shot of this moth in my gallery.

    Red Dragonfly


    Taken at Shutter priority 1/800s F5.6 ISO 500 @ 300mm (450mm FOV) No flash Handheld. Photo is shown as taken - no crop, just a resize and slight sharpening to compensate for compression.

    Dragonfly shown was about 3 inches long.

  4. Thanks for the information. I knew it was a moth of some sort but had a little doubt since most moths come out at night. The loss of sharpness is probably due to camera shake. Since I have only had this camera for a couple of weeks I'm still getting the hang of it and trying some settings. On this particular shot I did not use the flash and since the shutter speed was only 1/250s @ 300mm and handheld some shake is inevitable. All things considered though I'm quite happy with the result though I will keep in mind in the future to improve. Thanks again for your time.
  5. Shot with a Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO Macro, handheld, Manual focus, Aperture priority at F8 1/250s. It took quite a little patience to get this shot as the subject would not stay put for more than a second and believe me it's fast.


    This is a fantastic shot of a Robber fly (Asilidae). I have a couple of shots of this type of insect in my portfolio taken with a Fuji S9500.
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