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Image Comments posted by photodonn

    a tough decision


    A superior image, added to my favorites.  This is a perfect moment, beautifully lit and captured.  It brings us right into their lives and gives us plenty to study in the details.  Fantastic, wonderful work.  Bravo!

    Mistaya River


    I don't think you need to apologize for the tall vertical aspect, it works really well.  A very pretty picture, and a well-balanced exposure.  This crop actually drew me to the image, making it perhaps more interesting than a typical 2x3 aspect ratio.  You get a little slice of everything.  Well done.

  1. Well, here's a "dissenting" view, I like the original crop!  But the sweet part is really the weather, and the brightness that peeks through in that little valley.  In my view, the extra foreground is good since you have the spectator.  If he was not present (or if you prefer to not have one), I would then have cropped maybe even more foreground and eliminated the land altogether, to give a more mystical feeling and make it look like an island.  Really go heavy on the sky and expand our view on the bright spot.

    All these choices indicate to me that you caught a great moment, and did it well.  Bravo!

  2. They are all little!  Nice shot though, it's only from photographing birds myself that I realized most of them "toss back" their food to eat it.  Makes sense of course, since most of them don't have a tongue that can pull it back for them.

    Clarity, lighting are great, sharp focus, nice work!



    Excellent.  You have to "click larger" to see the sharpness, at least at my end.  I don't think I've ever seen the tongue before, and that of course _makes_ this image.  Well done Charles!

    Lotus Jump


    Outstanding, we get the full sense of the environment along with a perfect "pose" by your subject, well lit to isolate him, and I love the headphones and flying hair... that hair is the only thing that really shows us it's not a seated dude who is superimposed into the shot!  Really well done.



    Really powerful!  You couldn't do this with a Microsoft logo, because nobody feels that way about Microsoft =)

    Beautiful artistry, and I love the sense of desolation amidst the markers, and the feeling that while we can only see 3 of them, that the markers go on forever.  The neutral, low contrast tones also enhance the sense of desolation that the composition creates... I like the single scavenger seagull as the only clear indication of life, too.  Really well done.

  3. Wow, he is ugly!  Great job isolating the face and eyes with focus, did you do that all in-camera, or did you blur the shell a little bit post-processing?  It really works this way, and the pose is very interesting, with the turtle craning his neck.  Funny detail, I thought there was a camera spot for a moment, on his shell, lower part of the middle "panel", until I saw that same spot reflected in the water.

    I really like this quite a bit.  Nice work!

  4. Sweet!  Simple and perfect capture, it looks like he's barely got ahold of it, but he has.  Very nice, and it really makes me think differently about a seagull, because I expect scavenging, not clamming.  Well done, congrats!

  5. I finally found the goldfinch thief, and couldn't resist getting this shot

    because the face is fully obscured by the cushion stuffing... although

    somehow it looked the bandit was still able to fly with a purpose to its nest.




    Really interesting, nice to have not only the train blur, but also the sense that the standing train passenger is also watching the scene.  It would be nice if the pole didn't exist at all, but it does, and still the overall effect of the image is excellent.  Great work!

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