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Image Comments posted by kleintje

  1. Call it a coincidence. Only yesterday did I read something about repetitive patterns, and now I find this perfect example! :o)


    I tend to like the crop a little better since I find the bright white on the left side a tiny bit too harsh. But for the rest I just love this photo. Wonderful.

    Flower XII


    So this is where all the flowers have gone to! Haven't been able to find many decent ones around here for a while now... ;o)


    I like this composition a lot, but might have gone for a little tighter crop, especially at the bottom, to focus more on the flower (but then again, maybe I just tend to go in too close...). I like the lighting from below, but am wondering if it's maybe a little too harsh on the top part of the stem and two of the petals in the back. But overall, it's a photo that keeps my eyes wandering around, looking for the structures and colours I love about these flowers.

  2. Pnina beat me to it... Though I like the idea behind this photo and the elements you used to compose it, the road on the left draws my eyes away rather than into the image (like the road on the right does). Somehow I keep coming back to that road on the left, so I agree with Pnina about the few steps to the left. Besides this, I like very much the other elements composing this image and the way they relate to each other.

    The Old Tin Roof

    The oil painting-like look from the thumbnail made me curious about the larger version. I find it very fascinating, there are so many layers to this photo. The menacing threat from the dark clouds, the trace of colour in them from the rays of the sun combined with a strong composition and intens colours really make this photo stand out. Needless to say I just love it?


    From the stare she gives you here, I can imagine what you meant by 'she's the queen of the house and she knows it'... You captured it wonderfully and the b&w definitely adds to the overall effect here, almost fixing your eyes on hers.

    Sunflower Drama

    Beautiful! I just love these warm, intens colours. Your PS work brought them out just perfectly! I also love your composition. Made me wonder, maybe I should start thinking of not always wanting to get in too close to my flowers... ;o)


    Wonderful shot! Must have been a great conversation, trying to eat a peach and talking at the same. And it looks as though he actually was getting ready to add a third task, seeing the keys in his left hand...


    Lou Ann, you did a great job with this photo! I already loved its desaturated, almost b&w look before I even read what you did or saw the original one.


    Beautiful photo! The stones in the front are perfect stepstones for further exploring the photo. And although the waves in the back bring an active element into the photo, the overall composition and soft colours bring a relaxed, calming sphere over it.

    Color & Texture II

    This is a great photo, which highlights an intruiging, very inquisitive look. Though in the end I like your later post of this lizard better, since it reflects more the nature of the animal. Still, this is an intruiging photo. Makes you feel a little uneasy when you look longer at it... Who's looking at who here?


    Wonderful! The expression in the eye and the posture of the head are just great. This combined with the lighting that leaves part of the lizzard in the darkness reflects the shy and cautious nature of these animals. Just wonderful!
  3. Beautiful composition and I just love the colours of this flower! I think you did well deciding to take a photo of the whole flower, with the insect at the top, instead of focusing more on the insect. The insect now becomes an extra bonus to the overall photo.
  4. Alix, this is a truely wonderful photo. The colours in the sky, the just visible reflection of the sun in the sea, the composition with the dunes and the couple in silhouette. I just love it all!

    at the stream

    Alix, you captured a great 'pose' of this bird! I like the way the egret stands out against the darkness of the water, with the overall b&w a bit lightened by the colourful leaves in the water. Beautiful capture!

    Lunch Wanders By


    Kim, it all comes down to being crazy enough to find a boyfriend who's only dream is to go and work abroad, marry him and follow him wherever he goes! :o)


    And I have to admit, I kinda like it... A lot :oD

  5. Jayme, having looked at the two crops, I think you decided on the best of the two. The lower one to me divides the photo too much in two equal spaces, one with the boy and one empty, while here with the larger empty space (combined with the look on his face) it makes you wonder more what it is he is actually looking at.


    And I just love this high-key effect! How do you do it (if I may ask)? Do you have a lot of PS afterwards? (getting my first DSLR in a few months from now (countdown has started!) and I guess I might be able to persuade my nephew into modelling for a few minutes... ;o)

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