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Image Comments posted by kleintje



    Beautiful composition, Ellen. Normally I don't really like pink flowers (don't know why really), but in this case, with the composition, the lighting and the little bug on top of the leaf, I'm happy to overlook the pinkish colour (rather like it here, to be honoust).



    Ancient Species

    Great shot, Kim! With the background gone, he looks a bit lost as if he himself is not really sure what he's doing there (especially as he's looking a bit ragged).

    girl at art show

    Wonderful photo Alix! I just love it! I don't really mind about the empty space on the left, it somehow fits with this photo. The girl needs that space to look into and it gives it a mysterious mood as she's standing in front of this brightly coloured painting (which she's turned her back on) and is looking in what seems like an empty space. Makes you wonder what she's actually looking at. (hope I make myself clear a bit and don't seem to be babbling too much...)


    Definitely not an ordinary bug photo! I think you chose well to include the surroundings. It makes it stand out against other (ladybird) beetle photos I've seen around here.

    Zion NP - IR

    This is an awesome IR photo. The high contrast between the trees in the foreground and the mountains in the background, the special touch of the cloud just touching the top of the mountains and the river adding extra interest in the foreground, braking up the bright trees. Beautiful!

    On the Beach - IR

    I like the composition in this photot, but I think the IR gives a bit of a strange effect, especially on the palm tree, as if it's covered in snow. For this specific photo, I'd have liked to see it in a plain b&w version too...

    Glimmer of Morning


    I've been looking through your portfolio just now and this photo struck me because of the colours and the light. It's a very simple composition, but that, together with the light peeking through, makes it a very strong image.


    I don't find the two pieces of wall at the left and right top distracting, because they give a sense of depth to the window, making it less flat, but I do agree with Dominique about the pink frame. Though the colour appears in the flowers (and to a lesser extent in the shutters), I think a more earthen tone, reflecting the colours of the walls, or maybe even an almost white border would fit better here.


    But overall, at the moment this is one of my favourites in your portfolio!

  1. Hmm, I just love all these blossom photos appearing on PN these days! :o)


    I like the soft colours colours in this one a lot. They somehow show how fragile these beautiful flowers are. I also like how the blurred edges all around bring all the focus to the flower. (If I may be so curious, did you PS the blurred edges in or did you use a filter to get this result?)


  2. At first I didn't realize what it was and it took me a while before I discovered the eyes. This image looks like how I would imagine elves walking and hiding in the forest; always there but you have to look very closely to see them. Beautifully done...

    In Your Face

    He (she?) really doesn't seem pleased with this photo being taken. The expression of the eye and the mouth give him a bit of a vicious look. You captured this expression very well. The b&w and crop add to the mood. Hope you didn't get hurt in the process of taking this photo!
  3. I think you made a good choice which composition to turn b&w and which one to leave in colour. They both evoke different feelings. I really like the change in perspective here, with the little extra story told by the grave and flowers in the foreground.


    I only feel the cloud in the left upper corner is a little dark, a little too contrasting with the one on the other side. I would prefer more of the dark cloud in the lower left and maybe a tad to the centre on the top, or the present one toned down a bit (but I guess you can't control clouds (yet?), and if you did, they wouldn't have been around throughout the whole winter/spring ;o)


    Anyway, I stick with what I said in the first part, two great images each with their own mood!

  4. The b&w, the distortion of the trees and the dark clouds really give this image a feeling of the elements closing in on the scene. A bit haunting, especially after reading the history bit you provided here (just love those! :o). Don't know what a bit more contrast would/could do to this image, but you definitely got a strong and interesting composition.

    Weird Clouds

    I've been looking at the two photos you posted (guessing it's the same tree ;o) and I like this one best. The clouds show up better here, while you also have the tree in the front left as a main subject, linking the clouds and letting you wander around discovering the rest of the trees and the hills in the background. What I also find striking in this photo, is that although the clouds on the top are so dark, the trees and the background seem to be lit by the sun which adds an extra contrast here.
  5. This one is set out nicely against the bright blue sky, while you still managed to get some of the colours in the stones. And the gargoyles, though they take up only a small part, were the ones my eyes flung to first thing when I saw this image :o) First I thought it was only one strangely formed one, but a closer look revealed the second one. Maybe you could try to lighten this one a little bit so it stands out better against the background?
  6. Lou Ann, I'm a softy for old castles (ruins or not). I can wander around in those places for hours and hours and your series of photos really make me want to go out and visit some of these places... This one, again, has some beautiful shapes and colours in it.
  7. Beautiful image Lou Ann! I just love how the castle stands out against the bright blue and how you included the green slopes with the hay bales in front of it. The only thing that bothers me a tiny bit are the two partial bales in the bottom left. Maybe you could consider cloning/cropping them out?


    Very strong image. The way the dark water leads to the water drop which in its turn is surrounded by different shades of green like a halo that seems to radiate from the drop. Great photo and I love the title!
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