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Image Comments posted by kleintje


    For not having direct sunlight in your living room, you definitely know how to make the most of the light you do have. The colours of the flowers and the composition are beautiful, but for me it's the colour shift in the background that finishes this photo.


    I love her expression and the gentle feeling of her gesture, as if she would like to catch the bubbles but really doesn't want to break them. Only the background is a bit busy, but you can't have everything in life! Especially not with these spontaneous poses. Overall, a beautiful photo!



    Awesome photo! I admit the first thing I thought when seeing this photo, was why his foot was not in the frame, but having seen the whole picture, I understand the reason behind your decision taking it as it is.


    Since he's not carrying any gear with him, he sort of looks like a burglar caught in the act of trying to get in through a window. ;o) Reading he was 6 stories up, made the chills go down my spine... I hope he was secured, cause I don't see anything...

  1. You may not have intended this, but the photo, together with its title, though beautiful as it is, gives me a sad feeling. Over here where I live now, they have a habit of transplanting large, nearly fullgrown trees. They cut them back to the main stem, often cutting this one back as well, only leaving some of the larger branches. Also the roots are cut. The result looks a bit like the sculpture in your photo. These trees are then transported to their 'new' home, often a park or something similar, where they stand, forever mutilated. They often do grow new branches and leaves, but no matter how long it has been since they have been 'transplanted', you can always tell and every time it hurts seeing a tree having been mistreated in this way, purely for benefit of mankind. I guess it must have something to do with people not having the patience (anymore?) to watch a tree grow from seedling to fullgrown tree...


    Wonderful photo with the different textures and the bright lighting of the whole scene. What struck me was how tidy everything is, not only in the way it is packed together, but also with each space taken (from right to left) being just that little bit larger than the previous one.
  2. My first feeling was I'd like to see a bit more of the top, but having seen the uncropped version, I understand why you decided to leave it out. But even with this crop, I find the left part on top of the boat a little crowded and distracting. Maybe you could consider a little tighter crop?


    For the idea of 'decay', I think the coloured version conveys it better, with the rusty colour, the paint that's peeling off, the mossy green and the different tones on the side of the boat and the rudder. The b&w version is also wonderful, but for me conveys a different feeling, more liked faded glory (though that might also be appropriate here? ;o).


    I find it an intruiging, strangely mirrored image which on first sight gave me the impression it could have been upside down... Since the light blue in the sky is the only obvious colour in the image (the colour in the bottom are softer and less obvious), I tend to find the b&w version a little more appealing.

    Soft and Deadly

    This is one great owl photo! You got some great details in his face and plumage. The detail in the background really isn't an issue for me, I think it adds to the feeling of the photo.

    Hide & Seek

    This is a wonderful photo! It took me some time to realise it's partly b&w so I wouldn't guess it's too obvious... As for the grill, I'd take it partly out (like Jayme's suggestion), since, in my opinion, the structure in it takes away a bit of the attention from the subject (and he's way too cute for that!).


    Fascinating image, with the sunlight giving the fern leaves sort of a silvery look. I like the way you captured the sunlight on the different subjects in the image, and the play of dark/light and the subtle colours.


    Kim, always nice when a cat wants to interfere with your typing! ;o) Our cat used to go and stand in front of the screen (and, the computer being a laptop, in the mean time also on the keyboard), making sure he would get full attention! :o)
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