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Image Comments posted by pavle

    Lake Louise

    Interesting scene. I love the colors and the composition idea in general. I would give more space on the right. Also, you should crop out whatever that is on the bottom left. Anyway, great photo, I like it!
  1. It's good idea to let the left part of the photo overexposed, but I think it could be better if the overexposed area was a bit smaller. I would experiment more with this. I like the idea!

    Speed dial one.

    Excellent photo! I would like to see it with a bit wider crop to include the whole hands and arms in the frame. The model is afraid of something on the left, so maybe it could be a good idea to have more space on the left. Anyway, you have a great photo and you did a fantastic job here.


    Very nice sharp photo. I like the angle. There are some overexposed parts on the face of one of the boys. Maybe you could do something about it in photo editing software.
  2. Yuri, the sky is distracting because it's overexposed. Good thing is that you can crop the photo to remove the sky. But, you can't remove other overexposed parts of the photo (her pants for example). Anyway, you had very good idea here, composition is good and you captured a good moment.
  3. Very nice landscape. Composition is nice too with trees using for framing. The sky is overexposed. It's always a problem how to expose photo with strong contrast scene (bright sky and dark shadows of the tree). Maybe you should try with multiple exposures next time and make HDR image.
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