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susan stone

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Image Comments posted by susan stone


    Wonderful portrait of what I assume is someone's much beloved dog. The dog's loyalty shines thru in that one focused eye. Woof Woof to you!

    Among the Living

    This is one of those photos where the centered composition works well. The red foliage acts as a wonderful backdrop to accentuate the old tree. Good capture of color and detail.
  1. I really like your graphic image of the freshly shorn ewes, it's almost monochromatic. Good focus and depth back thru the sheep. Sometimes the simplest subject makes the best photo and you nailed this one dead on.

    Touching heaven

    "On the wings of a snow white dove he sends his pure sweet love, a sign from above on the wings of a dove." This image immediately brought to mind the song "On the wings of a dove", one of my all time favorites, thanks for the reminiscence. Heaven for me is sitting on top of a butte looking over miles of sagebrush country on my favorite horse and with my dog by my side.

    Borinage Door

    I love these "found" pictures with graphic detail and color. The crisp sharp focus really draws the eye. These old buildings could tell such a story and your image imparts some of that unknown mystery.


    This is a really lovely shot of a majestic landscape and I'd have to say it's a majestic capture; great color and composition, good use of depth of field. Truly artistic.


    Red's my favorite color so you got me on this one but I can't quit looking at that tiny strip of blue, lovely composition. You get such good depth of focus. Keep on inspiring me.


    A nice original idea for shooting grass, I like the closeup composition. I just submitted a photo similar in color so was immediately drawn to your image.
  2. This is another good red rock composition that does justice to that area. (Been there too.) And the adjustments that Patricia made really worked also, although I don't have a clue what all she was talking about, I haven't gotten beyond Quick Fix in PS Elements 3. You've got a good eye.
  3. Nice shot of Canyon de Chelly using the light on the canyon walls and the dark of the storm overhead. I like all the earthtones. You did that "place of mystery" justice.


    Wonderful composition, the foreground colors wow me so much my eyes can't seem to get beyond them, but then I look up and the cloud on the right and the mountain below mimic each other in shape and color. Lot's of interest here. Thank you for sharing.

    hot summer

    This one made me chuckle, I really like the blue color all thru the backgound and agree with the addition of water to the tub, would be really neat if the color of the water matched the wall.Hot it is, or should I say "cool".


    This image really holds my interest and is an excellent capture, I'm in awe. Positioning wheat in the foreground of a sunset has been "done" before but you really "did it"!


    I can hear the melody played upon this old ivory and I return to my childhood. Isn't that what any art should do, illicit a response!? After viewing your portfolio this wouldn't be my favorite, but none the less it's "fine".
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