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susan stone

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Image Comments posted by susan stone


    I very much like your image of the windows. You've captured a wonderful contrast between the daintiness of the lace curtains and the rough texture of the walls. The red frames add graphic interest. Nice job.


    I'm stunned by the beauty of the purple sky, what a fantastic composition and use of color! Not sure how you did it but what really matters is that it's a fine piece of "Art".

    After the storm

    Sometimes after a storm the heavens bless us with that magical "golden light" and you've captured it with such clarity. The lovely pastel tones in the distant hills are so beguiling.
  1. You are so intelligent when it comes to all this information it'll be years before I'm up to your speed! I looked at the image of the Water Girl and then Green Man, the discussion there lost me at about "choose Split channel, Split to RGB...."

    I haven't gotten beyond the quick fix editor. The changes you made to my image work in every way and make for a more dramatic photo. But I found the graphic interest of the logs imposed before the house to be a strong contribution to the composition, it helps "tell the story" of the hardships of this family (and there were lots) and the pile of branches were their firewood. The next time I get the urge to try sepia or B&W I'll convert in PS Elements 3, will be yet another new experience for me as I'm still pretty much at the point and shoot stage. I took a quick peek at your assorted B&W & Toned portfolio and see why you have such a good eye compositionally and a real flair for editing. This has been a very informative and inspirational critique, thanks.

  2. Thank you Pulok, I have PS Elements 3 and do very little manipulation in editing. I had two cameras with me that day and just decided to see the results if I shot in sepia on one of them. Comments, suggestions and critiques are how us amateurs learn.

    IMAGINE! ...

    Do you know the Beattles song Imagine? It's one of my favorite songs and your image evokes the contemplative notes of the melody and words. An exquisite photo so well captured.
  3. Thanks Stephen for taking the time to comment, I thought shooting and or converting to sepia or black and white would give the image an "old time" feel to it. I'll have to try your B&W suggestion to see how I like it.


    I love the drama that IR ads to a composition and you've captured a scene that works well in this medium. But I think you could crop quite a bit of the bottom and still have a great photo.
  4. Nice capture of some good looking longhorns. No surprise to find Kim here too, she likes all these four legged critters also. I left a message after your nice comments about ol' Smokey Joe and thought I'd better take a gander at some of your photos. How do we go about suggesting to PN that they include a Western category? I hope to do some ranch photos soon too. Back to your photo, I like the threesome composition and the faint reflections of them in the water and I'd keep all the background because it shows their environment nicely.

    Smokey Joe

    Thanks for taking a peak at ol' Smokey Joe, he's an exceptional working dog, both cattle and sheep, and devoted till the cows come home. Two years ago he literally saved my life. And he likes rolling in really offensive "stuff". I noticed you have some really good "western" shots, we need to suggest to PN that they add a Western category, I keep looking for folks who shoot ranch and or western photos.

    Bull's Eye 2

    This is a very "moo"ving image, good exposure, interesting subject matter, color tones replicate that of the steer (I imagine), and well composed. And congratulations on your Double Exposure spread.


    The dark moody sky paired with the lovely red and pink shades of color in the earth and rocks creates a stunning image. You've captured the light so well.
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