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Everything posted by GlennS

  1. <p>That's a superb hummer shot Shun. The Anna's nesting in my pear tree have had a difficult week of strong winds and heavy rains to deal with but seem to be OK. Looking forward to some interesting photos as the babies get bigger and start to show themselves.</p> <p>Spring is early this year on Vancouver Island and the plum tree in my front yard is in full bloom. Some times a Turdus migratorius will even stop to pose for a photo.</p><div></div>
  2. <p>Where I live on Vancouver Island is a short walk from a marine bird sanctuary but this shot was only a few feet from my back door. Like last year an Anna's Hummingbird has built a nest in one of my pear trees. Is this something they've learned from partridges? I only discovered the nest a few days ago during spring pruning. There are two babies in the nest so I guess that tree won't get pruned or sprayed this year.</p><div></div>
  3. <p>I'll join in with a scan of an old negative... M4, 35mm Lux (the old pre-asph one), Tri-X</p><div></div>
  4. <p>The past week on South Vancouver Island has seen clear days with temperatures dipping below freezing at night. As a result my hummingbird feeder freezes solid if left out, so it's brought inside after dark and replaced at dawn. Fortunately warming weather is on the way so I'll soon be able to sleep in a little longer. The Rosemary bush is blooming early this year so at least the hummers have a backup food source.<br> Am hoping the Hummingbirds use my garden to raise another family this year. I've left last years nest in place in case they decide to reuse it. My photo from a couple days ago shows an Anna's Hummingbird (female?) perched in one of my apple trees.</p> <div></div>
  5. <p>It's M lenses where prices have gone crazy. I have a Leica brochure from the late sixties with prices I'd written in while lens shopping.<br> Bought a 35mm Summilux for $190 back then, and still have it. A few days ago I noticed one for sale on the web for $1600, Yikes!<br> On the other hand I've seen some choice Leica R glass at very reasonable price. </p>
  6. <p>Making "green" fuel in rural India.....</p><div></div>
  7. <p>This little fellow thought it would be a good idea to build a web next to where I was putting half rotten fruit destined for the compost heap. Lots of flies were being attracted and dinner was non stop.</p><div></div>
  8. <p>Seasons greetings to everyone. My shot is an old winter one from the archives, tree decorations via software.... ;-)<br> Location is just outside Banff park in Alberta Canada.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>Raj, you might also consider Cosina Voigtlander lenses which are made in Japan. Cost is much less that Leitz and the quality is very good. Here's a link to the CameraQuest site..><br> https://cameraquest.com/inventor.htm</p> <p>Glenn</p>
  10. <p>Birds and boat returning to port, Southern Vancouver Island...</p><div></div>
  11. <p>A similar shot to Robins, but halfway around the world. M4, 21mm Super Angulon, Tri-X </p><div></div>
  12. <p>This photo was from the past weekend, D800e, Tamron 70-300 @ 300mm.</p> <div></div>
  13. <p>I always get a chuckle from this sign. It's near a marina where they haul out large boats.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>I think it may have been "Scanhancer" from this site. --> http://www.scanhancer.com/</p> <p> </p>
  15. <p>Mukul, an Indian PN member....</p><div></div>
  16. <p>I like the idea, but am having second thoughts about having comments. What would likely happen is some snarky stuff, noses out of joint and a mountain would evolve from a mole hill. What if there were <strong>NO COMMENTS, </strong> Just the photos with a bit of back story about taking it. </p>
  17. <p>If it's not too far gone these folks might be able to help. --> http://www.focalpointlens.com/fp_intro.html<br> Lots of luck.<br> </p>
  18. <p>A friend came for a visit and went home with some fresh produce and an 8x10 of this shot.... D800E and Nikor 14-24 @ 15mm , SB800 off camera fill.</p><div></div>
  19. <p>Thanks Harry, I enjoy seeing the old time stuff we shot when much younger. <br> I've been going through 60 years of negatives and finding many frames that were never printed for some reason or other. Here's one from the main square in Kathmandu, shot in 1970 with 21mm Super Angulon on an M4. Only scanned this one a couple weeks ago, hate to think how things have changed, especially with an earthquake thrown in.</p><div></div>
  20. <p>An oldie from the archives, an Amsterdam street market (1972) shot with Leica 3g and Tri-X....</p><div></div>
  21. <p>I think there's chance that this was dust or dirt stuck in the scanner head or some where in the optical path.<br> Here's a link to a site that tells how to open up a CS-5000 for cleaning. <br />http://www.pearsonimaging.com/articles/howto/ls5000cleaning.html</p> <p>He mentions that the mirror can collect dust and it's best to store the unit on the side with a cover. I keep mine vertical but it lives under a cover when not in use. </p>
  22. <p>For any Canucks celebrating Canada day.... D800E , 70-300mm @ 300</p><div></div>
  23. <p>Local park...</p><div></div>
  24. <p>My backyard is full of hummers these days. Both babies have fledged and mom is kept busy feeding them. One of the fig trees seems to be a favorite perch, perhaps they are trying to blend in with the green figs. Location Southern Vancouver Island.<br> D800E & Tamaron 70-300 @ 300mm</p><div></div>
  25. <p>Alocholism.... ? </p><div></div>
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