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Everything posted by roman_p

  1. <p>Sunrise probably one of the most exciting time for nature photography. Surprisingly I don’t see many pictures of it on this forum. Personally for me nothing is better than to meet sunrise from one of the highest peak in the area. This shot taken from Giant Mt of the Adirondacks, NY at sinrise.</p><div></div>
  2. <p>Ektar is indeed a saturated and high contrast film. It also has a strong blue bias. Your shots have been taken during the bright day light under cloudless blue sky. Probably the worst condition to use Ektar. For such type of photos I would prefer less contrast emulsion such like Protra 160, Superia 200 or Vista. I never have much troubles scanning Ektar on my Coolscan V. The MF scanning I outsource to local pro lab and they are using Fujifilm Frontier. The result is just great.<br> A couple rules I usually apply toEktar usage: avoid shooting Ektar in overcast day or in midday under cloudless blue sky; always use a warm up filter something like 81A or 81B; it doesn't like underexposure; the best time to shoot Ektar is early morning or late afternoon hours (so called “Golden Hours”). And remember Ektar, unlike Portra is not a general purpose film. It’s more like Velvia - you have to find perfect conditions to unleash its beauty. So keep experimenting.</p>
  3. <p>Fujifilm GF670. Dual format (6x6, 6x7), very accurate metering, sharp optic, crystal clean viewfinder, light. And it’s very compact (well as much as 6x7 camera could be compact) – when folded it easily can fit in your 3 season jacket pocket. </p>
  4. <p>Took a couple weeks off on this forum and now I’m back. Following the topic here is my night sky. Well, it’s not completely night yet but probably Nautical Twilight – one of my favorite time for photography.</p><div></div>
  5. <p>Thanks E.Short. I like the wide geography of our postings: from Texas to Venice. Well done. </p>
  6. <p>Great bikes, Robin.<br> Jim, I like your The Right Time and Stone Path. Beautiful texture and contrast.<br> Last year I traveled to Paris to meet New Year. At that time it was my first experience with Fuji GF670. Here’re a couple shots.</p><div></div>
  7. <p>It’s quite harsh and cold winter in our area this year but many of us are dreaming of spring time already. Apparently it could some confusion…</p><div></div>
  8. <p>January night at Lake George, NY.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>A big lake wasn’t frozen yet but the air temp was below freezing mark already. Choppy water crashed their waves onto rocky shore sending streams of splashing water on nearest trees. It created this nice pattern of icicles reminding us that the summer is still a long way to go… </p> <div></div>
  10. <p>The Superia 200 is actually a great film. For the price Fuji offers it gives you a lot. I haven’t seen any discontinuity note about this film. But even it is this way I guess it’s simply been replaced by Agfa Vista 200 plus that’s, by some sources, made by Fuji also. I believe that same as with all this digital junk like Fujifilm X series Fuji plays this rebranding/repacking goofy game. </p>
  11. <p>Sunset at Lake George, Adirondacks, NY.</p><div></div>
  12. <p>Fantastic shots, guys!<br> Jim, another vote for your “Logs, logs, logs”. Agree with E.Short – stunning. And your antique car looks nice too.<br> Giovanni, lovely winter shots and mountains!</p> <p>Here’re my winter shots.</p><div></div>
  13. <p>Shelving Rock Fall in December, Adirondacks, NY</p><div></div>
  14. <p>“Christmas Tree” above the tree line…</p><div></div>
  15. <p>I hope I’m not too late. It was heck busy week at work. Wonderful pictures here! So but Xmas is coming. Here some Christmas spirit for you.</p><div></div>
  16. <p>This shot was taken where the eagles flying. Sorry, but no birds for me again… Too cold, too windy. The night is coming to the alpine zone. But it is still beautiful there.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>Sorry Laura, don’t have any bird’s shots in my collection. Well, anyhow, it’s already December. And this shot of first fragile ice on Lake George reminds that the winter is approaching and it already gave as a couple good shots of its cold breath. In three weeks or so if temperature is going to stay that low as it is now, this massive body of water will be solid frozen. I hope to have some wonderful photo opportunities this winter also.<br> Really enjoyed pictures of the exotic ducks here. Haven’t seen such birds in my life yet. Great show!</p><div></div>
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