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Everything posted by roman_p

  1. <blockquote> <p>I am thinking you might have used a GND filter on this to control the dynamics.</p> </blockquote> <p>Tony, you're absolutely right. In this shot I've used 0.6 (2 stop) Lee GND Hard Edge filter.</p>
  2. <p>Sunrise over Lake George. Shot from French Mt, NY.</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Tenant Creek Fall, Adirondacks NY.</p><div></div>
  4. <p>Great shots!<br> Giovanni, your color combination, golden and blue, is fantastic! I know that V700 is a good scanner, but you also probably have a good post processing techniques and mastered your 6x17 format. <br> It's October now, the month which gives us a lot of yellow, red and orange. Let's do this, let's celebrate October on MF forum. Here're a few shots.</p> <div></div>
  5. <p>Thanks Laura for the nice story about Frank Hurley. He was a great and devoted artist.<br /> This sunset shot was taken from Algonquin Peak in the Adirondacks under the wind gusting over 30 kts.</p>
  6. <p>If you're shooting landscape with film I believe that Fujichrome Velvia (50 or 100) is the way to go. for over 20 yrs of my experience i didn't find anything better. It became expensive now-days but you will be rewarded by incredible color palette and vibrancy. If you still prefer color negatives, I agree with Eddy that Ektar is a good choice. </p> <blockquote> <p>There's no "bad" B&W films in 120 size.</p> </blockquote> <p>I agree, but I believe that there's no bad B&w films in any size. XP2 is a fantastic emulsion but I found it's not suitable for landscapes. I prefer Fuji Acros. Also new Rollei RPX 25 looks to me as a great choice. It's very sharp with deep blacks and creates high contrast graphics. After all you have to experiment to find which emulsion works best for you. </p>
  7. <p>Shot on Portra 400VC. Found that the color arrangement is somehow distractive. Converted to BW in PS.</p><div></div>
  8. <p>Alright Mike. Here we go. A couple more images from Copenhagen.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>Last September I was caught by the alpine storm and spent a quite rough night on the high altitude. Don’t want to create a long story of surviving experience – it’s not related to photography anyhow. Early morning when the storm began winding down I started the descending. I had been in the clouds for several hours already and totally soaked with moisture, but at the elevation below 4000’ I saw that the clouds were dissipating and it became much warmer and quitter. I set up my Nikon N80 on the tripod and fired several shots of this beautiful view of Keene Valley and the clouds beneath me.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>Last summer I visited Copenhagen and waked on Nyhavn with my Nikon F6 and tripod. Nyhavn is a 17th-century waterfront, canal and entertainment district in Copenhagen, just a beautiful place to be there (and photography of course)</p><div></div>
  11. <blockquote> <p> It seems like a good idea to occasionally explain a few details about the taking of the photos that we post. There’s always something to teach and always something to learn.</p> </blockquote> <p>You’re absolutely right Laura. This forum is not just for showing your skills, but also to share it. However I’m shooting film and don’t know how many members here really want to pursued the “classic” way of photography. But here my details: Nikon F6 camera with Voigtlander 20mm lens at f11, Velvia 50, Lee 81B and 0.6 Graduated filter (Soft stop), Gitzo Mountaineering Tripod, shutter speed-automatic (not recorded).</p><div></div>
  12. <blockquote> <p>forgetting to change shutter speed or focus, … dropping a finished film and holding the paper end unrolling it as it fell! </p> </blockquote> <p>Giovanni, I’m using GF670 which is way friendlier camera than 617, however those thing sounds familiar to me. After all it appears you’re doing great job handling the G617. What scanner do you use to scan 6x17 format?<br> Some pics from Paris.</p><div></div>
  13. <p>The stormy clouds over Rocky Peak. Schroon Lake on the horizon. Adirondacks, NY.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>Foggy morning over Pharaoh Lake. </p><div></div>
  15. <p>The highest peak of New York state Mt. Marcy in the clouds.</p><div></div>
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