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Everything posted by hjoseph7

  1. Why don't you ask me why are you still using PSE 6.1 ? Why, because every susequent version of PSE which I purchased (vs 9, 10, 11 and 12) I didn't like. Nothing wrong with that just a personal choice. It's like these guys tha would rather drive their 1999 Buick.
  2. Actually I brought it up because when you start asking questions, some people seem to think that you are computer Illiterate. Actually trying to explain some of this stuff to someone like my 'Mother' would be like talking to a brick wall. Microsoft expects you to sit around reading their complicated Help Pages as if you had nothing better to do. Sure a PC or Personal Computers are much, much valuable than using a "Dumb Terminal" to access stuff on a Mainframe. Like you said you can do all type of stuff, such as surf the web, flow charts, graphics, word processing etc. However Personal Computers would never have been developed if Bill gates who worked for IBM back in the 80's had not copied their operating system and somehow incorporated it into a PC. That operating system was called MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) developed by many IBM engineers throughout the years and it was the first time that a computer could perform various tasks at the same time(Multitasking). Without that, a computer would have to process everything in batch step by step (which is still done today) rather than in a Multitasking System. Bill Gates in a way was like Kodak in that he brought computng skills to the masses. With that said, how many of us sit at home writing computer programs on our PC's ? I had to, because that was my job, but I can tell you one thing, Programming is different than coding a couple of web pages or running a couple of Apps. You still have to be connected to a Mainframe or Servers that contain massives amount of data. This is why I would never expect someone who wasn't trained in that field of study to understand or to even make sense of any of that stuff...
  3. I rebooted my computer today and I was able to convert recent(2023) RAW CR2 files using the DNG Converter ! I was able to open the files using Light Room 3 (2010) with no problems. I then tried opening the DNG files using Photoshop Elements 6.1 (2009) . It opened the files, but it took about 3-5 minutes to open each file. PSE also has a version of Camera Raw. I tried opening the files in CS5 but it crashed.
  4. Come to think about you are the weird and moldy character that kept me away from this Forum for 3 years ! I should have known. See you in the next 3 years...
  5. That's not Adobe's fault ? GIVE ME A BREAK. I use to worked as a computer-programmer for 35 years now I'm retired. I use to work with Mainframe Computers. Those are the computers that used to take up an entire room. They use to be sold by IBM and a few other companies. Maintanence alone for those computers was about $1 million per year. In the 35 years that I worked with those computers there was never such thing as canceling an entire operating system for a newer one. Everything was backward compatible up to the 1960's. You never got emails about updating your software and running updates at night. If there were any updates(which there were) they were done behind the scenes by someone called a 'System Programmer' and that was it. Users never had to worry about stuff like that..
  6. Did you read the entire thread or did you jump the gun and just go to the bottom post ? (sometimes I make the same mistake...). If you read the ENTIRE post you will see that I tried downloading the DNG converter I cant count how many times and it still didn't work ? I even tried to download the 2007 DNG converter version but it switched to the 2023 while it was downloading ? No matter how far I went back the same thing would happen. It could be that my computer had not been updated for a while since I purchased it from one of those Business Computer liquidators. Unfortunatelly right now it's too late to get any updates from Microsoft on this computer.
  7. digitalDog since your Ferrarri is the first one out of the gate, why don't you help us old geezers in our beat-up chevy's instead of pointing fingers at us. It does not solve anything.. Thank you
    Would have been more impressive without the tourist in the foreground...
  8. hjoseph7


    Magnificent !
  9. Sounds simpler said than done. First of all I have tons of sofware that run on windows 7. Also CD's and DVD's that only run on Windows 7. Upgrading these would be 'iffy' at best. I also have things such as printers($600/200), Monitors($800), Scanner($850), that work fine on Windows 7, so upgrading would be another big "'IF". I prefer using Windows 7 because it's less bloated and gets out of my way when I'm working. Windows 10/11 is like going to the Super Market only to find out they changed all the products on the isle . I appreciate the new jazzy features and all on some of these products, but since when is a computer a mandatory Utility ? My 2 desktops computers both use Windows 7 and have been running fine since 2010 with few issues. I have 2 laptops that run on Windows 10. One that needs and overhall badly because it is so slow I'm afraid to turn it on, for fear I might have a heart-attack. The other one which I just recently purchased works fine. The only software on it is Photoshop and Lightrooom 2023 and I would like to keep it that way.
  10. hjoseph7


    Very nice High-Key (HK) !
  11. Finally found something on this : https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/4601-REG/Beseler_8199_35mm_Mixing_Chamber_for.html
  12. Make sure the required Voltage is the same. For example I use Powerex rechargeable batteries which are very well rated, but they only put out 1.2 Volts while regular Alkaline batteries put out 1.5 Volts. I use the rechargeables on my Canon 580EX II speedlight which uses 4 batteries. So if you take that .3 voltage difference from each battery and multiply it by 4, that is a total 1.2 Volts difference from the Alkaline batteries. If yourMotor drive uses 8 batteries then it can become problematic... Do I notice any difference between the Alkalines and the rechargeables ? YES ! the Alkalines give me more POP and seem to last longer, but then you have to throw them out which can get expensive.
  13. I purchased my Beseler 23C/23dga enlarger back in 2002. Since then, it has gone with me everywhere I moved until now(although I rarely use it) . I was preparing for another one of my Marathon Printing Sessions when I noticed that this enlarger came with 3 Light Baffles. The Light Baffles goes underneath the lamp to either condense the light, or diffuse it. Since this enlarger came with a 23dga Color Head, I have to use the Diffusion Light Baffle. However if I wanted to switch to a plain old condenser enlarger(that they recommend for B&W) I can remove the 23dga Color head and insert the Condenser Light Baffle. My question is, this enlarger came with another Light Baffle that has a smaller opening than the one I am currently using. I'm not sure what it is used for ? it is not in the manual, or on any Besleler Catalog Parts list as far as I know ? Does anybody know what this light baffle is used for ? It looks like the Diffusion Light Baffle, but it has a smaller openeing ? I attached a picture to show you what the 3 light baffles look like. The one in the front is the one in question.
  14. According to some AI Photoshop experts at https://photoshopcafe.com/ , the Content Aware tool is probably going to be sunset since AI does it a lot better. I'm not sure about the shadows(good question), but I saw some demonstrations that are pretty realistic and amazing ! I'm guessing that you still have to use specific comands in a certain way to make AI work as you planned in PS. When you call your Bank and the Custom Service Robot aks you some questions, you can't just blab away, you have to answer those questions in a very specific way.
  15. Back in 2004 I was working at a major telecommunications company in the Billing department.. I'm sure some of you herd about Verizon the telephone company which was once part of AT&T. Our mission as 'Application programmers' was to transform the old antiquated Billing system into something more modern. The current system use to put out these cards that you got in the mail explainig your billing statement for the month. I'm not sure if any of you guys remember the old system ? In any case they hired 4 senior programmers including myself, 4 junior programmers and an AI expert. Our supervisor was barely out of college, he was 24 years old which we all resented. This AI dude looked like a movie-star. Tall, handsome, cool the whole 9 yards. All the girls in the company were crazy about him. However, we kept him out of the loop because his skills were not really needed until we had finished doing our work which was to modernize the Billing System. This guy would come to work everyday, sit at his desk and do nothing but read complicated AI books nothing else. He came from an Ivy league college and had worked at a comapany called Lucent which was an AT&T subsidiary prior to joining us. I felt bad for the guy, but in a way I didn't want him to take my job, nobody did ! Finally, after about a year and a half with no work comming his way, he went back to Lucent. I'm not sure why I'm bringing this up, just remembering ? In any case, AI is a whole nother story than regular application business programming. It is closer to Graphics and "Computer Game" programming than crunching the numbers. This is what I derived from browsing some of this guy's books when I went to talk to him. If i had to start all over I would have gotten into the more Graphical parts of computer programming rather than the Business side, but my math scores were too low unfortunately, so I stuck with the Business side. These days, at my Real-Estate photography job, I work with 2 applications Zillow and Matterport that give you 3D views of the properties I'm photographing. How they work, I have the slightest idea ?? I'm sure it requires stiching images together as you do in a Panaroma, but how exactly are those images stiched is a mystery to me. AI is even more sophisticated in that it also includes human logic, reasoning and anticipation. To compare AI to regular structured programming, even Object Oriented Programming would be like comparing Film to Digital, that's how different yet similar they are....
  16. One thing about computers is that they can only work with the data they got. I was what was called an 'Application Programer' back in the early 90's until recently. Now I'm retired. An Application Programmer is somebody that uses a computer to perform a human function(s) in the blink of an eye such as sorting a list of names in alphabetical order. If you have a list of 25000 names it would take an average human 4-8 hours to sort that list maybe longer, but a computer could perform those functions in 1 second or less depending on the computing power. As an "application progammer", as the profession was called back then, I was asked to computerize the accounting system in banks, the receiveing system in manufacturing firms, college enrollment at schools, the coming and going of flights at an airport, the monitering and dispensation of health benefits of a certain patient at an insurance company etc, etc. The thing is, that all these functions were once performed by human beings. Usually these people were called "Clerks" a term you hardly ever hear anymore. This computerization of the back-office made things easier for many people, especially the owners and managers of these companies, but it also meant that other,s such as the clerks were out of job ! When I first started, most these computerized functions were performed at night in something called a Batch Process ,almost like the batch process in Photoshop. That is why if you deposited 50 bucks in the bank on Tuesday it would not show up in your account until Wednesday. later on these funcrions could be performed Online through the use of telephone wires. So to make things short, a computer was used to perfom human functions that would take clerks many hours, days, or even weeks etc, into a matter of seconds. The thing is, as an application programmer you not only had to think of what the principal functions were in an application(banking, health care, school), you also had to think ahead of what could happen and in between. What could go wrong was called 'computer glitches' With the advent of the Internet which is a whole nother story, came Object Oriented Programming(OOP) . OOP was tailored for Internet traffic, which meant, you didn't need a BIG million dollar computer sitting in your office anymore. All you had to do, was log into the web, type in your computer code(or computer instructions) and a Server, or mini computer located in a Network who knows where, would handle your code and send you back a response. This is where the term 'App' originated from, since now you didn't need an "Application Programmer" to type in the code. An App is just a small computer program that runs on the web. It is not as long, or complicated as a program that handles your health benefits. AI(artificial intelligence) is just an extension of all of this. Meaning it can only work with the data that is pumped into it. The problem with AI is that it has the power to gather all the data it needs from Data Wharehouses located who knows where or on what foreign network of Servers !! I think it uses a set of Keys like Google does to obtain this data, but I'm not sure ? It then imports this data into a sophisticated Algorythm or App to send you back a resonse, all in a blink of an eye. From my experience, all types of mistakes can happen, as well as all sorts of good things too, it depends.... With the problem we are having these days with Hackers which haven't really been resolved yet, IMHO it could become problematic, irresponsible, or even dangerous ! When I first got into IT we didn't have these problems because there was no World Wide Web, these days it's a different story.
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