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paul h

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Image Comments posted by paul h



    Whilst waiting for the never ending flow of tourists, this guy stood

    and shot away on his phone. Sometimes the frustration can end working

    for you.





    Great slice of life. I would however crop out the garbage can on the right and maybe the feet that are creeping in on the left, but it's a nice shot.





    Good shot, I like the almost monochrome feel to the image with only the dog in colour. Does the dog only have three legs or is it optical illusion?



  1. Dean this image is lacking a real focus point, is the metal frame meant to be the subject of the shot, if so then that is fine. A more stronger shot would be to shoot from the other side of the metal frame and make the two girls, the paintings the foreground subject then the red trees would give way to the buildings behind. My 2 cents.





    This is a nice shot Michael, well exposed, but I would change a few things. Could the shot have been taken without the house on the right, to me that seems to be creeping in a fine natural image unless you wanted the house then maybe it should be more prominent. The other thing I don't like are the footprints in the sand at the foreground, try to get there early before anyone else or if it was you, try to find your composition without too much walking around. Other than that it's a fine shot.



  2. Thanks all. I do have other exposures, lighter and darker and some with different degrees of gradual filtration over the top half. Better to be safe than sorry, I always take way more than I should and edit later on computer.



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