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paul h

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Image Comments posted by paul h

    winter 4

    A nice idea. May work better with the background more out of focus and the horizon not through the centre. Try filling the frame with the frosty branch against the sky.

    winter 1

    This image needs a focus point, the out of focus twigs on the right are distracting. Try and find something like a dead leaf or berry to be the centre of focus in the image and use more depth of field.

    Holiday Amaretto

    Nice shot. Warm and Christmassy. Don't like the small cluster of lights in the glass and generally when doing product shots if possible have two bottles, one to open and one sealed for the shot itself. I like it.
  1. Nice shot, the green coming through the bottle looks awesome, I'd prefer it if the bottle was twisted so the whole label was visible, after that is the focus of the image right? Also the line at bottom right is distracting though that can easily be clones out. Otherwise a good shot and great lighting.


    Nice positioning of the glacier between the trees, the background is a little subdued, was it raining? The rocks in the foreground don't interest me maybe crop them out.

    Winter River

    I know this river and have shot it myself. I like the the rock in the foreground and the ring of ice around the front of it. I also think this would work if cropped off most of the river and had a predominately B&W picture.
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