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Image Comments posted by breathlessconni

    Thru A Fence

    I have seen much, much better tiger photos here, but this is my first & it was through a car window & a chain link fence. Considering that, this is one of my favorites from the safari.

    Watch Out


    Thank you. I liked how old & rusty the sign was. I oversaturated the colors just for a different effect. If I could find extra large watches to photograph, I would strap them onto some children to include the street.

    Hmmm, I should get rid of that lens flare. Thank you for the advice =)

  1. Yes it is real. My neighbor had the one '57 Chevy & it was in good condition but he wanted a better one so he bought a twin that was a little nicer. I might post other photos from this series. Something about it made me laugh.
  2. I found these in the parking lot of a clothing store. I moved the one jar a little closer but, lacking a pair of rubber gloves, didn't move too much else. I like your interpretation very much. It was definitely one of those times I was glad to have a camera with me.


    I liked the contrasting colors but I think I overdid it just a bit. In B/w, the softness of the image isn't as apparent. I think I'm liking the b/w much better. Thank you!!!
  3. Yeah I'm thinking maybe a horizontal crop might work better. Maybe if I kept some of the dark sky but not quite so much. You're right... Thank you =) I'm thinking it might be a little distracting.

    Mak's Grill

    Donna, Jimmy, thank you very much. I guess the eyes aren't so bad in this one but I've taken many others & the eyes just blend right in. Thanks again.

    Mak's Grill


    I have alot of trouble photographing this dog because his eyes blend

    in with his mask. Any suggestions on fixing this? Dodging the eyes

    in post-production creats a dull grey effect. Thank you for your

    comments, help =)

  4. I saw this picture in the no words forum & found it again here. I am so glad I did after reading your comments. The selective use of the oil effect is beautiful. What a great idea &, yes, it sure is a reminder of how wasteful we can be. Great photo!
  5. Highly understandable. I started out manipulating pictures in editing programs because my camera just wasn't that great. Now, I'm trying to learn how to take better photos with the better program but I still tend to over tweak them. It can be a bad habit. Still a very nice shot =)
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