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Image Comments posted by breathlessconni

  1. As I commented on my other Cyndi pic, I must say that Cyndi Lauper ROCKS! But, also, I was not expecting to be able to take pictures. I wrapped my Sony CD-400 up in my sweater & hid it deep in my purse expecting to be searched but hoping to sneak it in &, well, the battery died & i ran out of disk space pretty quickly, but it was a great show!
  2. Cyndi Lauper puts on an amazing show! I was there as a spectator & left the Nikon in the car to avoid the hassle of being frisked & having to put it in the coat check, but alas! security was allowing flash photography so I was relegated to using my trusty Sony CD-400. Let this be a lesson to myself to charge the battery & bring an extra disk.


    I might have to find the original again & not mess with trying to change the resolution as much. While I still like the contrasting colors, I am not fond of the artifacts.



    What's a cassowary? Is it another name for a chicken? Forgive my ignorance. The diagram on the sign is still very funny =)


    Even funnier now that I see the "are you speeding?" sign. I should have gotten a picture of the one I saw that said "Free Speeding Tickets Ahead"

    Stinky Lynx


    This is my best friend's cat. He apparently loves to wear this

    bowtie & he just sat there while I snapped a few pics. I tried

    converting this to black & white, leaving the bow tie red &/or his

    eyes green, but ultimately I settled for this untouched version. Any



    Thank you!

  3. Should I crop more from the top? I thought the contrast of the sky was good, but now I'm thinking the detail of the bricks may be interesting enough if I leave just a hint of the sky... or none at all?
  4. I love how you captured the motion of the flag here. I have tried on so many occasions to do that. I would perhaps take the buildings in the background out of focus a little, OR (being a big fan of this technique) I would keep the flag in color & change the rest of the image to black & white.

    I see this image has thus far been rated a "3" & I do not agree. I wish when people gave low ratings, they would leave a comment or suggestion. Maybe my eyes are missing something or maybe I just have a soft spot for Coasties since my brother was one =) Ahh.. unfortunately, it's not letting me submit a rating but I would go with a 5-6/6.

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