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Image Comments posted by breathlessconni

    "Winning Fashion"

    What an awful uniform! Great shot though. What time of day were you shooting? What kind of light? I read the details but was curious about these aspects. I'm always looking for better ways to capture baseball. Thank you!


    Your caption says it all! There's a clear dominance to the bird on the left's face while the one on the right seems to be playing coy. Great shot!
  1. I love the shot & even the backdrop but I'm not feeling the font or position of the writing. I could see this as a baseball card if the writing were maybe in one of the lower corners in white? I'm sorry to be critical of a minor aspect. The rest of the picture is really great. I love baseball.
  2. There's something very odd about this image. Did you change the perspective somehow? It almost feels like the church is being sucked up into the sky, along with the ground to the left of the shot. I do like it very much. Great colors.


    Bill, I completely agree with your reasons for leaving that in color. I think it works. Did you also try desaturating everything except what's behind the door? I think that might be neat as well. I am a big fan of isolated color. And you are so right. Sometimes, I wind up with 10 or 20 or more pictures that are basically the same & rather than select one that stands out, I force one to stand out by playing with it.
  3. I like the cropped version too, but I like the trees being lit up. It gives this a very surreal look. The colors from the light in the background are great. I also like that the moon seems to be riding in on that cloud. Nice shot!



    Jim - Filters are definitely my next step. I am still trying to learn the camera. It's strange for me to be able to control everything from the camera. I learned digital editing before I had a digital camera or even a real SLR so I'm kind of doing this backwards. The temptation to over-edit is my biggest fault.


    Tiina - Thank you. I caught them unaware (which is good because I'm not the best at directing models yet)

  4. Thank you. I actually did email Green Day some of the images. Grey Grainy Green Day seemed to be the favorite.


    I liked the colors in this one too. I had a lot of motion blur because that man just doesn't stand still ! I'm working on trying to get press credentials for a few other shows just to practice some more & hopefully build a portfolio. I think concert photography is my favorite. (provided I like the music) I just wish they would find a way to make the microphone invisible. They always mess up the shot!

  5. I was torn with keeping the ferris wheel cars in there or not. I thought if I took them out, you wouldn't know it was a ferris wheel. My bigger problem is the bright center piece. I will try to see what it looks liek without the cars. Thanks Leann - I appreciate your thoughtful advice. I could probably just recrop it. That's my solution to everything =)
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