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Image Comments posted by breathlessconni

  1. Thank you so much for your comments. I too wish his finger were not clipped but I was so afraid they would change their mind and take my camera away that I took my shots as quickly as possible. I feel blessed just having seen and listened to him play live. Getting a better than decent picture was a bonus =)
  2. I was not prepared to take pictures at this show, but others were

    taking them so I took out the Sony CD-500 I had brought "just in

    case." I blackened the subjects and lights in thebackground to

    eliminate any distractions. An alternate version I made is not square

    but, rather has some extra black space onthe right side.

    Looking Up

    Good point Kathryn. I almost hate adding it sometimes... Perhaps, I should start putting it in the framed part. I was expecting someone to comment that the symmetry is technically off a bit. As soon as I posted the request, I took another look & realized that it is indeed slightly off. Thank you for the comments =)
  3. She was definitely intentional about her easily bored look. I didn't plan on the Superman shirt but it worked. I found these boxes at work & blocked out the brand name & other distracting markings to highlight the "Power" & "Brilliance." I was taking pictures of just the boxes but it seemed more appropriate with my "models." If I have a reshoot, perhaps, I will give her my fake librarian glasses. Thank you for commenting, Bill =)
  4. This is as shot, save for removing a piece of bright white paper from

    the corner of a brick. I left part of the sewer grate there to add

    realism. Should I cut it? I have another shot that is closer.

    Comments, critiques appreciated. Thank You!

    Jonny Noose

    It was a noose I saw while working on the short lived TV show "Jonny Zero". I couldn't think of a better title. I had seen so many crazy things that day, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I'm not supposed to have a camera on set, so I had just a few seconds to get this right & hurry a shot.

    Thru A Fence


    I got rather lucky, shooting this through a fence with little after

    effects of the fence. Comments, critiques welcome. I have an

    uncropped version that shows more, but the signs of the chain link

    fence are more evident in it.

    Thank you!

  5. I know the top of his head is blown out. I'm working on ways to

    avoid that next time. Otherwise, don't you just love those teeth!?!

    Thank you for your comments, just looking to share the smiles I get

    from this one.

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