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Image Comments posted by hxt

    Lucky Cat


    Lol! If yor'e getting candids like this, I really have to work on my stealth technique!

    nice shot, the streaks of hard light from the window are a bit distracting thouhg



    We had just arrived, at dusk, and decided to take a walk along the beach while there was still

    light...... there was another couple doing the same...

    A touch of white

    As I see more images on this site, I become more and more excited about switching to digital!! I still love the Leicas, but the stuff (like this) I have seen here proves that Black and White can look very fine indeed in Digital format! Great composition! Harv
  1. I think I wrung everything I could out of this neg... ant

    suggestiong on how to dial the contrast a bit? There seems to be all

    kinds of shadow detail, I can live without glass-cutting sharpness,

    but i would like to make this one 'pop' a bit. any advice would be

    greatly appreciated. Thanks! Harv

    Old Timer


    An old timer trundling through 'pigeon park' on the Downtown east side....

    I asked him how long he has ben living in this neighborhood..... "47 years...."

    River grouse..


    These have been rated poorly, and anonymously, if you find them in some way unsavoury,

    maybe you could drop me a line, and let me know what I could do to make them just a little

    bit 'better' That's why I am here after all! (Oh, and yes, to win that darned toaster)!

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